CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

The Official Syaoran x Sakura Thread v.02

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@ cryingforthemoon - First of all, welcome to CW :D
Secondly, yay, you're a R!SyaoranxSakura fan!

I agree with most of what you said in your post, particularly the whole thing about Cloney not being the same if he got his heart back due to all the mass-murdering he's been doing. This was something I have been thinking too.

--- Quote from: cryingforthemoon on August 08 2007, 08:12 pm ---Plus, if C!Syaoran has his own heart, then he's not really a "Syaoran" at all, he's someone else-a completely different person.

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I wondered this too but it's not definate that this would be the case. It's uncertain whether if he grew a heart it would be like R!Syaoran's (same soul/personality) or if it would be completely different.

--- Quote from: cryingforthemoon on August 08 2007, 08:12 pm ---Plus, wouldn't it be hot if C!Syaoran and R!Syaoran merged, complete with (Touya x Yue)-like "almost kiss" The Syaorancest-shipper in me's yummy!

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Although I completely agree that an almost kiss would be hot (a proper kiss would be better though!!) ..why merge? I don't get it when people say they should merge. If C!Syaoran and R!Syaoran merged all that would be merging would be the bodies since Cloney has no heart to merge with R!Syaoran's. However, if he has grown his own heart then it could be one of two things:.
1. If the heart is the same as R!Syaoran's (same soul/personality) then merging would again produce the same person.
2. If it is different to R!Syaoran's (different soul/personality) it would produce a different person who was not "Syaoran" (and we don't want that!)

PS. Poor you for getting a cookie deducted! I would give you one but I can't, unfortunately. Don't take it personally, though, because the same thing happened to me except I actually got THREE deducted for absolutely NO REASON whatsoever. It's probably just some Clone fan getting annoyed because we have a different opinion from them.

@ Mari - What will you do if I refuse to draw the Syaorancest fanart? :P
I may try drawing it on paper at some point.. But I've never drawn a kiss before.. :/

--- Quote from: Mari on August 08 2007, 01:37 pm ---Nothing seems to lead to Sakura directly (he only looked at her with the protect part)

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His sentences are linked to Sakura in both circumstances..
He says: "It probably won't come back BUT if I can protect I want to protect (Sakura)"
and: "EVEN IF that heart won't return I promised to protect her.. Sakura"
So whatever it is that he wants to get back and "that heart" are somehow linked to Sakura (and him protecting her). So then you could take it as Syaoran wanting to get the Clone's heart back for Sakura's sake. But I don't think this is the case because he said so himself that it could never go back to C!Syaoran.

--- Quote from: Mari on August 08 2007, 01:37 pm ---Where the hell is R!Syaoran’s RIGHT eye???

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He lost it in all the confusion of the eye switching xD

But seriously though I'd never noticed before that he said that he wanted to go "to the person from whom this right eye came from". But.. I'm confused, if his right eye is from Cloney.. well, I don't get why he'd take it in the first place? Isn't that the eye that can see through to where C!Syaoran is?  Does he still have Cloney's eye then? If so, does that mean that even now, he can still see where Cloney is and what he's doing? o.O

And you make an interesting point about trying to get back his original eye (if he did indeed borrow the Clone's for whatever reason). Maybe he does want to get his eye back.. but.. I hope not. Too confusing @.@

As for in Celes, I thought it was his eye that was causing the problem at first too. But, I'm not convinced - it could just be his head, like an (extreme) headache. But whatever the reason I think it happened because Watanuki was dissapearing rather than having anything to do with Cloney. Although.. the whole headache thing seemed to start RIGHT AFTER he stepped into the castle. Coincidence? I'm not so sure.

--- Quote from: Mari on August 08 2007, 01:37 pm ---Also in Syaoran-kun’s dreams it’s strange that C!Syaoran is imaged like R!Syaoran.

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First of all, no way is it because R!Syaoran has a "psycho nature" *huggles him*.
I'm confused about this too but I'll try my hand at explaining what I think might possibly be the case..
Basically, I think the reason why C!Syaoran's true self is dressed in R!Syaoran's attire in his dream is precisely because it's his dream. Dreams.. do not always make perfect sense (infact they rarely do).. add to that they're partly influenced by what you yourself think, right? So, if you think about it C!Syaoran did not know he was a clone. He did not know that his half heart was borrowed. He did not know his true self was coming through.. And he did not know who R!Syaoran was.. But because he saw R!Syaoran previously in his dreams appearing as a little kid, it was his image that he saw again in his dreams in chapter 91 and 113 strangling him and saying "I've been waiting so long". He assumed he was a bad guy like we did at that stage, therefore he saw his true self wearing R!Syaoran's attire because it made more sense to him that way.

..probably xD Haha, yeah the whole thing doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me either. Maybe CLAMP will clear it up in the future.

--- Quote from: Mari on August 08 2007, 01:37 pm ---There's still so much missing and that's why I'm finding it hard to believe that R!Syaoran and Sakura will be together. 

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Yeah. I'm not saying a relationship between them is going to happen overnight either. But.. but.. I'm optimistic.. if Syaoran keeps to his promise of protecting Sakura then hopefully he will be the one in the tube with her. Plus, R!Syaoran is one up on Cloney at this stage in that he's actually already been in the dream world, whereas Cloney has not yet. Plus, how is Cloney going to get in without a soul, I wonder?

--- Quote from: Mari on August 08 2007, 01:37 pm ---That and the fact I get creeped out  that R!Syaoran would be wearing Syaoran-kun's clothes from Clow *shivers*

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I've been pondering the whole tube thing recently and came up with a lot of questions like..
Was it FWR's plan all along to have Sakura in the tube? Or is she there against his wishes? Maybe it was FWR's plan to get her in the tube but he had planned it some other way.. i wonder if it matters to him which Syaoran is in the tube with her.. Could it be he didn't want R!Syaoran to be the one and so tried to kill him?
I also have another theory.. could it be that the scene we saw in chapter 1 is not what is going to happen in the tube but what COULD HAVE happened had she not changed the future (by being stabbed herself instead of R!Syaoran)?

--- Quote from: Mari on August 08 2007, 01:37 pm ---I saw this splash with Syaoran-kun when he was younger and it said "Even if this body should meet it's end, these feeling alone will remain in a corner of the world"

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I wouldn't rely on the teasers on the splash (and at the end of the chapter). I seem to remember reading somewhere that the teasers were not written by CLAMP but by the people publishing the chapters or something?

(gawd I wrote a lot  :o )


--- Quote from: cryingforthemoon on August 08 2007, 08:12 pm ---Plus, if C!Syaoran has his own heart, then he's not really a "Syaoran" at all
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CLAMP logic here.  Syaoran-kun was named that way and even given a birthday (which I think might be linked in someway to Watanuki).  Those make a Syaoran.

--- Quote from: cryingforthemoon on August 08 2007, 08:12 pm ---if C!Syaoran and R!Syaoran merged
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I don’t understand the whole merge thing either ^^;;  If there’s any "merging" than I would say that it already took place and that was the merge of Syaoran-kun and his “clone program” (because, truly, that’s two pieces of a "soul")  Unlike R!Syaoran who, assuming he stops giving away all odd piece of him, is really a full person.

--- Quote from: cryingforthemoon on August 08 2007, 08:12 pm ---Celes is finished that R!Syaoran will start showing his personality
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I don’t think there’s much to do after Celes, much less time for more development.  CLAMP seems all plot, plot, plot now and we’ve had little time for thoughts and person >.<  Sakura’s soul is already loosing time in the tube so once they get her body it’s really going to start moving. I assume they’ll have to go to Clow--


What if Clone already went to Clow country?!?!  Doing the same thing that he was doing everywhere else?!?!
OMG *cries*

--- Quote from: redeternity on August 09 2007, 09:35 am ---@ Mari - What will you do if I refuse to draw the Syaorancest fanart? :P

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I will smite you with the almighty stick of d00m >D
…that reminds me of something!  *goes off to get it for you*

--- Quote from: redeternity on August 09 2007, 09:35 am ---His sentences are linked to Sakura in both circumstances..

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Well, yes.  Of course she’s “linked” xP The thing about those lines are they aren’t solid, and there’s blanks that your mind fills.  Sort of how back in Tokyo we had that clip of Real!Fay saying “but before that--” and then people inserted “…I want to be loved”  CLAMP is more or less likely leaving those spaces to make you purposefully think you can fill it in, but I have a feeling it’s not so much the case or as easy as that.

And like that above arch, until R!Syao finally decides to break the silence we can’t be using it to support much of anything :/  It was right to assume back then that the little boy was Our!Fay since we knew of no other…or how everyone passed over the “right eye thing” and assumed it was left…just like right now it’s right that you assume that when he speaks of Sakura he’s talking of TRC!Sakura and her directly…

--- Quote from: redeternity on August 09 2007, 09:35 am ---He lost it in all the confusion of the eye switching xD

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The right eye will probably turn up in Watanuki anyways *sigh*
That boy needs to quite lending out body parts

--- Quote from: redeternity on August 09 2007, 09:35 am ---Does he still have Cloney's eye then? If so, does that mean that even now, he can still see where Cloney is and what he's doing? o.O

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I don't see why not but I’m not sure about the still seeing part :/ I guess that depends how Fay’s eye is working in C!Syaoran?….it was because he kept Syaoran-kun blind in that eye that R!Syaoran could see I thought (which brings up the question that how can an eye be made not to see…?)

Besides. Everyone knows R!Syaoran is just holdinig onto Syaoran-kun’s right eye so that Fay will get his eye back, Syaoran-kun will get his original right eye back and everything will be good again xDD

--- Quote from: redeternity on August 09 2007, 09:35 am ---First of all, no way is it because R!Syaoran has a "psycho nature" *huggles him*.

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No, no.  What I was playing with was that R!Syaoran had been keeping the “clone program” in his body in hopes to give Syaoran-kun a chance to develop a heart of his own so that when the seal on his eye was broken his new heart wouldn’t allow him to be overpowered by the “clone program”

In which case we’d start getting into R!Syaoran puts half his heart and an eye in C!Syaoran, while he takes “half a heart” (clone program) and an eye.  So that the two really have a piece of each other inside of them, as well as a piece of themselves (true soul Syaoran!cest at it‘s finest)

--- Quote from: redeternity on August 09 2007, 09:35 am ---I'm confused about this too but I'll try my hand at explaining what I think might possibly be the case..

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This would be very out there, especially since a very dominant aspect of TRC is dreams and dream seeing.  Remember dreams are not merely dreams in this story, but they are their own world, and it seems the only place so far where two people who share the same soul are able to met (Piffle with Tomoyos)  Going along with this you could assume that Clow was speaking to R!Syaoran about Syaoran-kun back in Chapter 138 if  two people who share the same soul are only able to meet in a dream world.  Therefore R!Syaoran can only speak with and be with Syaoran-kun there.  If it was the case that R!Syaoran was helping out and keeping the “clone” inside of him then a dream would be a very easy path to the person who shares a soul.  R!Syaoran and “clone” can speak to each other outside the dream because they are not both “Syaorans”!  Syaoran-kun is a Syaoran <3

Another point that was in the Omake was how Mokona said that when Syaoran-kun slept he didn’t move and “it looked like he was sleeping  but….” , to which Yuuko just gave a sad smile.  Me thinks these “Syaoran” dreams (which may not even turn out to be dreams, because remember--even the dreams are another world) will play another part.  We see a small hint of it in the last arc with when R!Syaoran spoke in his sleep…which was eerily reminiscent of when “clone program” spoke through Syaoran-kun.

Also, we still need to clear up that if Syaoran-kun wasn’t a Syaoran then why would “clone program” be calling him so…?  Kurogane even bore witness. (Coincidental that he saw R!Syaoran sleep talking too…? =3)

--- Quote from: redeternity on August 09 2007, 09:35 am ---Plus, R!Syaoran is one up on Cloney
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That doesn’t mean he can become a clothing robber >.>
Also, so far, it’s fair to assume that Clow clothes=Syaoran-kun.  He’s even worn them when he was in a dream once…could this be his soul’s form…?

--- Quote from: redeternity on August 09 2007, 09:35 am ---I've been pondering the whole tube thing recently and came up with a lot of questions like..

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I don’t know…it seems she choose to go there but, as the story reflects, it was hitsuzen that she did end up there.  Also, what’s up with the wings?  I thought FWR was only after her body with the world memories?  But it looks like the wings are almost taking her back to her body and it’s like…she’s leaving Syaoran-kun there instead of the other way around.  Maybe because Syaoran-kun’s “heart” no longer has a body to go to so he‘s going vanish in the way Sakura‘s soul wouldn‘t have been able to last there either :/

I was wondering myself, if this is the dream world and the tube are the same then where is the tube part???  But if that picture is somewhat accurate I showed you awhile back then maybe Watanuki, Sakura, and R!Syaoran, (as well as Doumeki’s grandfather, I believe) have all appeared on one side in the long ends.  In xxxHolic it seemed at first Sakura was going into Watanuki’s dreams…with how there was that tree and all…?  But now that tree is gone and there’s only black (possibly the long tunnel of the tube) and this is why people are telling Watanuki to not go there, because he’s leaving his dream and being pulled into the tube instead :/

I don’t know what FWR wants with him exactly because when R!Syaoran woke up he’s like “Oh, he’s up.  That’s nice…let’s see what happens” If he didn’t want him up then couldn’t he have shown a little more care that someone he had trapped was escaping? >.< And if you’re going to let him go, why the hell are you tattooing him up and keeping him there in the first place? Everything seems to contradict itself nicely so good luck to CLAMP on that.

--- Quote from: redeternity on August 09 2007, 09:35 am ---I wouldn't rely on the teasers on the splash
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Oh, I wasn’t saying it was foreshadowing. I just said that was the thing that gave me the idea about Sakura and how she seems certain of getting Syaoran-kun’s heart.  I know for sure it’s the taglines (the sayings at the end of the chapter) that are written by the publishers though.

[ARGUMENT] If Syaoran-kun wasn’t destined to be TRC!Syaoran then why would CLAMP put him in their Wonderland?  Him and Hien are definitely with Sakura and other canon couples =3

But total LOL @ that poster.  The way Syaoran-kun is holding the reins to the scary dragon and she’s sitting all nice and they’re both smiling…it’s more like they’re riding a horse and carriage together xD  So adorable and so them!  I miss their smiles and their happiness! <3

*cough cough* You thought you had a long post…? I had to cut stuff out
…Don’t blame you if you don’t read all  xP


--- Quote from: Mari on August 10 2007, 10:48 pm ---I don’t think there’s much to do after Celes, much less time for more development.  CLAMP seems all plot, plot, plot now and we’ve had little time for thoughts and person >.<

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Sorry because I'm replying to this when it wasn't directed at me but.. Just wanna say, I'm sure CLAMP will fit in character development for him somewhere (if not in Tsubasa, in xxxholic maybe?). Even if it is all plot, plot, plot right now they at least have to fit in his past at some point. Also, IF it is R!Syaoran in the tube, I think then we might get some character development. If it is him in there, I definately think he and Sakura will talk for a while first.
Even if it isn't him in the tube (better be grr.. makes me sad to think of it being Cloney in there. Me don't want ;_;) they just HAVE to fit in the development for him somewhere otherwise it would be pretty pointless having him in the manga in the first place.. Maybe after the whole tube scene happens.

--- Quote from: Mari on August 10 2007, 10:48 pm ---If there’s any "merging" than I would say that it already took place and that was the merge of Syaoran-kun and his “clone program” (because, truly, that’s two pieces of a "soul")

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Uh.. is it? I don't see how Cloney's programming makes up part of his soul.. Actually I would say the merging took place way back when R!Syaoran first gave his half heart away to the clone. In a sense, "Our Syaoran" is the result of R!Syaoran's half heart and Cloney's body merging.
I guess you could say that when R!Syaoran got his heart back in Acid Tokyo it was merging.. but I don't think so because it was his heart in the first place.

--- Quote from: Mari on August 10 2007, 10:48 pm ---…that reminds me of something!  *goes off to get it for you*

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The Syaorancest fanart? Found it yet?

--- Quote from: Mari on August 10 2007, 10:48 pm ---[ARGUMENT] If Syaoran-kun wasn’t destined to be TRC!Syaoran then why would CLAMP put him in their Wonderland?

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I would guess for the same reason that one of his eyes isn't blue, R!Syaoran is nowhere to be seen and Fai is not wearing an eyepatch - SPOILERS.

--- Quote from: Mari on August 10 2007, 10:48 pm ---No, no.  What I was playing with was that R!Syaoran had been keeping the “clone program” in his body in hopes to give Syaoran-kun a chance to develop a heart of his own so that when the seal on his eye was broken his new heart wouldn’t allow him to be overpowered by the “clone program”

In which case we’d start getting into R!Syaoran puts half his heart and an eye in C!Syaoran, while he takes “half a heart” (clone program) and an eye.  So that the two really have a piece of each other inside of them, as well as a piece of themselves (true soul Syaoran!cest at it‘s finest)

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R!Syaoran never took the "clone program" from Cloney.. If he did we'd know because when he got free from FWR's tube he'd be all "must... get... feathers". It was in Cloney the whole time but it was just less overpowering due to the fact that he had a half heart. If R!Syaoran had taken the "clone program" then why did FWR say about C!Syaoran that "as long as the determination to gather feathers remained that was all that mattered". Since FWR is second in line in power to Clow Reed I think he would have known if R!Syaoran had taken it.

--- Quote from: Mari on August 10 2007, 10:48 pm ---Also, we still need to clear up that if Syaoran-kun wasn’t a Syaoran then why would “clone program” be calling him so…?

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Cloney is a special case in TRC. He is not merely another world version of "Syaoran" - he was cl;oned and without a heart (at first until R!Syaoran intervened). Therefore he will never be a true "Syaoran" unless he can grow a heart that is exactly like that of the other Syaorans. I believe he was called Syaoran in his dreams because at that point he still had the half heart of R!Syaoran inside him (although I guess he should have really been called "half-Syaoran" xD but meh). Plus, it was what Fujitaka named him.. which goes back to the whole was it hitsuzen thing.. I still think that maybe if it wasn't hitsuzen then it might have been FWR of Clow who told Fujitaka beforehand to name him Syaoran.

--- Quote from: Mari on August 10 2007, 10:48 pm ---Also, so far, it’s fair to assume that Clow clothes=Syaoran-kun.  He’s even worn them when he was in a dream once…could this be his soul’s form…?

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I dunno. I'm not convinced yet. If those clothes are his soul's form then why is Sakura not wearing her princess' clothes in the dreamworld? If her princess' clothes don't represent her, then why would his Clow Clothes represent him?

Actually, to be frank, I think it's pointless talking about their clothing because at the moment it seems a bit random what they wear in their dreams. For example, in xxxholic when R!Syaoran appeared in the dream world in front of Watanuki he wore his Celes Clothing... well, that can't represent him surely? And he was also pictured on that splash with Watanuki wearing his FWR imprisonment outfit (again, same thing). And also, although C!Syaoran may have been in a dream with his Clow Clothes on once, he has also been in dreams wearing different outfits.

Speaking of clothes, I noticed that when they showed the stabbing that was supposed to happen with Fai and Syaoran they are wearing different clothes (not the Infinity ones or Tokyo ones). I wonder why? FWR says he’d planned it to happen to Syaoran “shortly after regaining his original power”.. eh? Original power? So I guess he doesn’t have his original power back yet then? Maybe that’s the thing he wants to get back? My guess is R!Syaoran was going to be stabbed at a later date in a different world but Sakura changed that by getting more powerful than Fai earlier (because from what I gathered I think that curse would only work once). Rarg, I really want to know more about R!Syaoran right now. *impatient*

--- Quote from: Mari on August 10 2007, 10:48 pm ---just like right now it’s right that you assume that when he speaks of Sakura he’s talking of TRC!Sakura and her directly…

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He definitely is talking about TRC Sakura in regards to the “protect” thing anyway, since he looked right at her.

--- Quote from: Mari on August 10 2007, 10:48 pm ---Oh, I wasn’t saying it was foreshadowing. I just said that was the thing that gave me the idea about Sakura and how she seems certain of getting Syaoran-kun’s heart.

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I do wonder whether she still wants to return the heart like she said she did back in Acid Tokyo. Since she said that she’s had all the premonitions and whatnot and could well have changed her mind. And hopefully she’s realised by now the heart belongs to R!Syaoran not Cloney. I really hope she has realised this *crosses fingers* because if she still has her mind set on “returning” the heart I think she’s wasting her time – sorry! Plus, if she did somehow manage to do it (IMO I think she can’t due to what R!Syaoran said) that’s so horrible for R!Syaoran ;_; Even if she doesn’t have feelings for him, she definitely cares for him.

PS. Sorry this post was very rushed, I apologise for any mistakes. I am going away for a few days (nowhere exciting though). You probably won’t even notice I’m gone but I thought I'd let you know because I will take a couple of days longer to reply than I do usually.

Arg.  Sorry for the late reply >.< Putting together 1000 packets is brain damaging time consuming.

--- Quote from: redeternity on August 13 2007, 02:45 am ---it would be pretty pointless having him in the manga in the first place
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*laughs* That’s definitely what is has been feeling like for the past 3 Volumes

--- Quote from: redeternity on August 13 2007, 02:45 am ---merging.

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Where did this whole merge thing start out anyways?  Me thinks because of the Teaser

--- Quote from: redeternity on August 13 2007, 02:45 am ---I would guess for the same reason that one of his eyes isn't blue, R!Syaoran is nowhere to be seen and Fai is not wearing an eyepatch - SPOILERS.

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LoL. So quick to defend you miss the point of my argument.  I mean, if Syoaran-kun was meant to perish then why would they put him in something as a representation of what TRC is?  This isn’t like a poster that they change every month, this is their showcase for years.  Besides, it’s been a year now and R!Syaoran has nothing to back his importance/existence in this series.

--- Quote from: redeternity on August 13 2007, 02:45 am ---R!Syaoran never took the "clone program" from Cloney.. If he did we'd know because when he got free from FWR's tube he'd be all "must... get... feathers". It was in Cloney the whole time but it was just less overpowering due to the fact that he had a half heart. If R!Syaoran had taken the "clone program" then why did FWR say about C!Syaoran that "as long as the determination to gather feathers remained that was all that mattered".
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Not necessarily.  Because R!Syaoran has his own heart so he wouldn’t be over powered by stuff like that. Also, it was after C!Syaoran had already been with Syaoran-kun so he already left :p  But, like I was saying, I was just playing with the idea to understand why C!Syaoran looked like R!Syaoran.  Not really supporting it but just throwing it out there to make myself look stupid once we know what’s really happening And the “determination to gather feathers remained” was still there without “program” because of Syaoran-kun’s will, just in a different sense xP

--- Quote from: redeternity on August 13 2007, 02:45 am ---I still think that maybe if it wasn't hitsuzen then it might have been FWR of Clow who told Fujitaka beforehand to name him Syaoran.

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Ahaha.  You just supported my argument. xDD
And it would still be Hitsuzen even if, though I highly doubt, a FWR of Clow had told him.  Everything is!

--- Quote from: redeternity on August 13 2007, 02:45 am ---I dunno. I'm not convinced yet. If those clothes are his soul's form then why is Sakura not wearing her princess' clothes in the dreamworld? If her princess' clothes don't represent her, then why would his Clow Clothes represent him?

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I was going to respond to this but my answer would be similar to my post a few back, as was yours right now.  LoL.  We’ve finally reached the point of repetition.  Yay…?

--- Quote from: redeternity on August 13 2007, 02:45 am --- And also, although C!Syaoran may have been in a dream with his Clow Clothes on once, he has also been in dreams wearing different outfits.

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The time he wore his Clow clothes was the first time “clone” was able to touch him though, which was why it struck me.  But yea.  Enough with clothes… O.o

--- Quote from: redeternity on August 13 2007, 02:45 am ---Speaking of clothes, I noticed that when they showed the stabbing that was supposed to happen
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NM.  Back to clothes…
I don’t think it was to happen in a different world because Sakura said herself that “the thing I saw in the dream will take place in this final battle” And I thought he did have it back, but because Sakura went for the feathers she became even stronger.

--- Quote from: redeternity on August 13 2007, 02:45 am ---He definitely is talking about TRC Sakura in regards to the “protect” thing anyway, since he looked right at her.

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I mean it’s in what sense that you’re completing the sentence.

--- Quote from: redeternity on August 13 2007, 02:45 am ---I do wonder...
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Sakura is defiantly still identifying the two as different because back before the battle she says that “I traveled with someone who shares an appearance with you” and she is also still referring to them differently to Watanuki.  We still don’t know what it actually means to have half of R!Syaoran in Syaoran-kun anyways.  Because Eriol and Fujitaka-san were two pieces of Clow but they were certainly different beings.

Kk.  Have fun! ^.^ 

[PS] I see you finally got yourself a banner!! <3


--- Quote from: Mari on August 17 2007, 01:52 am ---*laughs* That’s definitely what is has been feeling like for the past 3 Volumes

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Lol! So harsh! Poor R!Syao! I love him anyways xD
Keep in mind, though, C!Syaoran got a whole 15 volumes to himself. R!Syaoran only made his entrance in volume 16, giving him only about 5 volumes so far - one of which has been entirely focused on Fai's past (so really about 4 volumes then). PLUS, unlike the 15 vols when C!Syaoran was the main character, the focus hasn't been on R!Syaoran during much of the time he's been around (e.g. Infinity World - focus on Sakura; Celes - focus on Fai/Ashura). Also, ever since he appeared all the TRC gang (except Kuro maybe) have been angsting (not only Syaoran) so he hasn't had much of a chance to show his true self yet. Had Fai been angsting from the very beginning nobody probably would have liked him either.
Anyway, I've said this a thousand times already but Fai's. past. over. now. plzkthnx. One or two more chapters hopefully?

--- Quote from: Mari on August 17 2007, 01:52 am ---I mean, if Syoaran-kun was meant to perish then why would they put him in something as a representation of what TRC is?  This isn’t like a poster that they change every month, this is their showcase for years.

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C!Syaoran represents TRC because he's the main character and has been around 15 vols (whereas R!Syaoran has only been around 5).
...Besides, he has R!Syaoran's heart in him so technically it's actually R!Syaoran in CLAMP's wonderland (bwahaha! xD)

And about the perishing thing - killing off the main character is not something that CLAMP would definately not do, right?

--- Quote from: Mari on August 17 2007, 01:52 am ---And the “determination to gather feathers remained” was still there without “program” because of Syaoran-kun’s will, just in a different sense xP

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If by "Syaoran-kun's will" you mean because he loved Sakura and wanted to get the feathers for her sake.. Well, C!Syaoran hadn't even met Sakura yet so how would FWR have known that he'd grow to love her and that would be his impetus to gather feathers? Even Eriol in CCS could not have predicted that Syaoran and Sakura would fall in love.

--- Quote from: Mari on August 17 2007, 01:52 am ---I was going to respond to this but my answer would be similar to my post a few back, as was yours right now.  LoL.  We’ve finally reached the point of repetition.  Yay…?

--- End quote ---

Whoops o.O Had I said that already? Heh, sorry. My bad!

--- Quote from: Mari on August 17 2007, 01:52 am ---NM.  Back to clothes…
I don’t think it was to happen in a different world because Sakura said herself that “the thing I saw in the dream will take place in this final battle” And I thought he did have it back, but because Sakura went for the feathers she became even stronger.

--- End quote ---

But when she said that and we saw the fragments of the future that she saw, it showed Syaoran and Kurogane looking shocked and a bit of her bellybutton with blood around her. So it must have been herself she saw getting stabbed.

--- Quote from: Mari on August 17 2007, 01:52 am ---We still don’t know what it actually means to have half of R!Syaoran in Syaoran-kun anyways.  Because Eriol and Fujitaka-san were two pieces of Clow but they were certainly different beings.
--- End quote ---

They were reincarnations. Which is slightly different I think. R!Syaoran did not die to give away his half heart.

And yea! I did make myself a banner hehe and I didn't use paint! :P

Anyway, spoilers came out today. Looks like Syaoran got up from the floor *gasp* xD
Oh, and the Horitsuba comic! - I think there are translations out but I haven't read them yet but looking at the pictures I'm sure Syaoran's twin (R!Syaoran?) is the non-blushing, more serious (but smiling) one <3 <3
Seeing them together, he looks much more mature for some reason.. the eyes I think.
EDIT: Read it =D Lmao at the bath part!!


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