AuthorTopic: The Official Syaoran x Sakura Thread v.02  (Read 46135 times)

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Re: The Official Syaoran x Sakura Thread v.02
« Reply #20 on: January 29 2007, 02:13 am »

I wonder how many feathers he has collected so far. It would be impossible to travel to all worlds he was in.

hehe, Clonie has a special chip and radar in his head  :rotfl:

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Re: The Official Syaoran x Sakura Thread v.02
« Reply #21 on: January 29 2007, 05:20 am »
I think Sakura would know...She knew which Syaoran was hers when she woke up in AcidT.  She hadn't been awake the whole time so she wouldn't have known which clothes were his and yet she still called out to the totally pychotic looking boy.  If they had shared the same heart, I think Sakura would have more easily just taken Real Syaoran for her Syaoran since he was in the postition of where Clonie would stand.  But she didn't. ^_^

Maybe that's another reason why Real Syoaran was so surprised?  She was able to tell the two apart and didn't hesitate from it for a second.

Total <3.

Even Fay, who's rather advanced in magic, admitted to the fact that though he knew about Syaoran-kun borrowing a heart he was able to make it into something special and his own.  Real Syaoran tells him that Sakura being precious doesn't come from him.  And even Kurogane now is telling Real Syaoran that he is his own person and not the "kid"

Ahaha.  Sorry. ^^;;  Rambling....

So yes.  I think Sakura would be able to tell.

Hmm... In X I was sure that the canon pairing was Kotori x Kamui, but the what with Kamui x Fuuma?

True, true.  We have to be very careful with CLAMP xD

And I don't think we really know what Real Syaoran wants, especialy in terms of ClonexSakura.  He's so vague and keeps to himself a lot.  With the whole eye thing, I think we're going to get another twist into that.  It's hard to predict how you can get that eye back, since it made no sense how Clone Syaoran gorged an eye out, ate it, and then it mysteriously became one of his eyes....O_o
« Last Edit: January 29 2007, 09:33 am by Mari »

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Re: The Official Syaoran x Sakura Thread v.02
« Reply #22 on: January 29 2007, 07:14 am »
It's hard to predict how you can get that eye back, since it made no sense how Clone Syoaran gorged an eye out, ate it, and then it mysteriously became one of his eyes....O_o

That happened in xxxHOLiC also. Watanuki ate half of Doumeki's right-eye "sight" so that he could see a little out of his blinded eye again. I think the whole...ingesting thing is just how they......Do it? Lol. I don't know either!! Both series (TRC, Holic) have had focus on magical powers coming from eyes....Its' still confusing though!
But still, I would like for them to get that eye back!! Fye's pretty blue eye *sniffle* Heehee.
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Re: The Official Syaoran x Sakura Thread v.02
« Reply #23 on: January 29 2007, 07:56 am »
I think Sakura would know...She knew which Syaoran was hers when she woke up in AcidT.  She hadn't been awake the whole time so she wouldn't have known which clothes were his and yet she still called out to the totally pychotic looking boy.  If they had shared the same heart, I think Sakura would have more easily just taken Real Syaoran for her Syaoran since he was in the postition of where Clonie would stand.  But she didn't. ^_^

Maybe that's another reason why Real Syoaran was so surprised? She was able to tell the two apart and didn't hesitate from it for a second.

Total <3.

Even Fay, who's rather advanced in magic, admitted to the fact that though he knew about Syaoran-kun borrowing a heart he was able to make it into something special and his own.  Real Syoaran tells him that Sakura being precious doesn't come from him.  And even Kurogane now is telling Real Syoaran that he is his own person and not the "kid"

Ahaha.  Sorry. ^^;; Rambling....

So yes.  I think Sakura would be able to tell.

True, true. We have to be very careful with CLAMP xD

And I don't think we really know what Real Syoaran wants, especialy in terms of ClonexSakura.  He's so vague and keeps to himself a lot.  With the whole eye thing, I think we're going to get another twist into that.  It's hard to predict how you can get that eye back, since it made no sense how Clone Syoaran gorged an eye out, ate it, and then it mysteriously became one of his eyes....O_o

I don't agree. Real Syaoran had his own sword and Clone Syaoran his own. She couldn't mistook them!
And Kurogane also says, that Syapran should think of the princess to. We still don't know, if it wasn't anything more than Real Syaoran's wish - that the love doesn't come from this heart. Maybe Syaoran's half doesn't love Sakura, but the heart returned to him and that heart loves Sakura. That's why he stopped, when she called out to stop him. Hmm, why he was suprised? Because he knew that she's sleeping with Kurogane...  And Fai said that Real Syaoan lived and experienced the same things like the Clone. So why it would be different with love? (but don't worry, I hope that Real Syaoran doesn't love Sakura ^^' )

And about eating eyes - I think that people that posses magic can do it. And because Fai's eye was "magic" Clone Syaoran could ate it.

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Hmm, I don't read xxxHOLiC, but there is a rumor that Real Syaoran is connected with Watanuki in some way.
I think that CLAMP will do a lot of twists in the plot. Maybe we will soon know something about Real Syaoran - his past and his feelings. If only Sakura wanted to talk to him...

Gomen for my bad english >.<

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Re: The Official Syaoran x Sakura Thread v.02
« Reply #24 on: January 29 2007, 08:46 am »
Hmm, why he was suprised? Because he knew that she's sleeping with Kurogane...

Lol!  That was the best sentence.

That happened in xxxHOLiC also. Watanuki ate half of Doumeki's right-eye "sight" so that he could see a little out of his blinded eye again. I think the whole...ingesting thing is just how they......Do it?

I so thought of something else when I read that and was like....wha....? xD

When she first woke up neither of them had swords.  And the first Syaoran she looked at was Clone Syaoran.   There was no pane of any eye contact between Real Syaoran and Sakura.  It didn't seem to strike her as odd that the one attacking her precious person looked indentical.  All she cared about that the person attacking Clone Syaoran didn't kill him.

And with the surprise...I don't know.  I know the obvious reason for it.  But Real Syaoran's looks always seem to have something more to them.  He looks surprised, upset, and sad all at once.

Kurogane's talk with Real's very hard since I don't speak Japanese and translators can't get the exact meaning, especially for this phrase, but....when I read it it sounded more like "you don't have to be like the kid and you don't have to think about the princess in relation to yourself as the kid did"

Problem with language.  You take it for what you want to see it as and so that is how I saw it ^^;;

Though he shared the experiance, he didn't have a part in it.   It was Clone Syaoran who was controling his own body's actions.  It was he reaching out for Sakura's hand, him smiling, and him taking her in his arms countless times.  The feel is different from the watching.  Love is built more on just "being there"

Maybe we will soon know something about Real Syaoran - his past and his feelings. If only Sakura wanted to talk to him...

I second that want.
He's been alone in that tube for so long, so I hope he talks out soon <3
« Last Edit: January 29 2007, 09:35 am by Mari »

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Re: The Official Syaoran x Sakura Thread v.02
« Reply #25 on: January 29 2007, 09:16 am »
Lol!  That was the best sentence.

Yeah, now that I've read that sentence I sweatdropped  :sweatdrop: I meant that Kurogane was looking after her while she was asleep, but I was in a hurry and wrote something stupid like that  -_-

Love is built more on just "being there"

Yeah, but I meant that the feeling grew in Real Syaoran not while he was in the tube, but in the moment he recieved his heart back. On the other hand, if the Clone's love for Sakura has nothing to do with his heart, then I would agree, that Real Syaoran doesn't love her and just sees himself as a substitute. I have to agree with Mari-sempai that it's really hard to understand the sentences - and more: it's CLAMP, so the things that characters say, need a translation even for people that are fluent in Japanese ^^'

Gomen for my bad english >.<

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Re: The Official Syaoran x Sakura Thread v.02
« Reply #26 on: January 29 2007, 09:38 am »
Yeah, now that I've read that sentence I sweatdropped :sweatdrop: I meant that Kurogane was looking after her while she was asleep, but I was in a hurry and wrote something stupid like that -_-

Hehe.  I'm sorry.  As you could see from the other quote I put mind was verrrrry off the topic at hand >.>

Yeah, but I meant that the feeling grew in Real Syaoran not while he was in the tube, but in the moment he recieved his heart back. On the other hand, if the Clone's love for Sakura has nothing to do with his heart, then I would agree, that Real Syaoran doesn't love her and just sees himself as a substitute.

It's hard, isn't it?  It's all just a part of the fun and the torment. that is CLAMP-_-;

Ya know....When I was looking back at Chapter 122, I thought it was kinda of interesting that the moment Sakura was saying "My most precious person" and opened her eyes was at the exact time both Syaoran's came together. [/random]

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Re: The Official Syaoran x Sakura Thread v.02
« Reply #27 on: January 29 2007, 09:55 am »

Ya know....When I was looking back at Chapter 122, I thought it was kinda of interesting that the moment Sakura was saying "My most precious person" and opened her eyes was at the exact time both Syaoran's came together. [/random]

Now my mind is very off the topic ^^'

Yes, I wonder how Subaru knew what is going to happen and woke Sakura up in the exact moment they met...

Gomen for my bad english >.<

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Re: The Official Syaoran x Sakura Thread v.02
« Reply #28 on: January 29 2007, 10:18 am »
Now my mind is very off the topic ^^'

Oh my--

It's contagious I tell you! ^.^

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Re: The Official Syaoran x Sakura Thread v.02
« Reply #29 on: January 30 2007, 04:21 pm »
I love apostrophies where they don't belong. =D Making my mind plumit into the gutter me go even further off-topic. No, no. I came with a purpose to post, really! :XD:

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As for Clone and the eye, another seal could always be put on it. Like, Sakura seems to have fairly strong magic. It's just something about her incarnations. While her power seems to be making "physical memories" of dimensions, couldn't she channel her magic to make a seal for Syaoran of some kind (zomg, how about one green eye and one brown one, huh? :o). It'd probably be stronger than Real Syaoran's, as she's...supah powerful? Gah. I lost my topic. But that's one of my theories of how we can get some Clone x Sakura ending going on.
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Re: The Official Syaoran x Sakura Thread v.02
« Reply #30 on: January 31 2007, 12:29 am »
Yeah, but I meant that the feeling grew in Real Syaoran not while he was in the tube, but in the moment he recieved his heart back. On the other hand, if the Clone's love for Sakura has nothing to do with his heart, then I would agree, that Real Syaoran doesn't love her and just sees himself as a substitute. I have to agree with Mari-sempai that it's really hard to understand the sentences - and more: it's CLAMP, so the things that characters say, need a translation even for people that are fluent in Japanese ^^'

If I remember correctly, R!Syaoran mentioned that the feelings of love C!Syaoran had were from his own heart and not his(R!Syaoran's). And I don't really think R!Syaoran sees himself as a replacement, rather he has a certain responsibility to fill. I'm not sure... @_@ I might just be rambling.

And yeah... it's CLAMP. It could be more than what we see. ^^;;;

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As for Clone and the eye, another seal could always be put on it. Like, Sakura seems to have fairly strong magic. It's just something about her incarnations. While her power seems to be making "physical memories" of dimensions, couldn't she channel her magic to make a seal for Syaoran of some kind (zomg, how about one green eye and one brown one, huh? :o). It'd probably be stronger than Real Syaoran's, as she's...supah powerful? Gah. I lost my topic. But that's one of my theories of how we can get some Clone x Sakura ending going on.

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Hmm.. That's interesting and very possible! I mean, since Sakura has the ability to reach out to those who cannot speak or somewhat can hear their inner thoughts, maybe she can do the same to C!Syaoran... unless C!Syaoran really cannot be helped on that part. ^^;;;) But I dunno... maybe Sakura will be the only one able to save C!Syaoran. @_@

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Re: The Official Syaoran x Sakura Thread v.02
« Reply #31 on: January 31 2007, 05:45 am »
But I dunno... maybe Sakura will be the only one able to save C!Syaoran. @_@

She helped him grow a heart the first time, so second time around can't be that hard Except for the fact he's a little homosidial...minor detail really xP

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As for Clone and the eye, another seal could always be put on it. Like, Sakura seems to have fairly strong magic. It's just something about her incarnations. While her power seems to be making "physical memories" of dimensions, couldn't she channel her magic to make a seal for Syaoran of some kind (zomg, how about one green eye and one brown one, huh? :o). It'd probably be stronger than Real Syaoran's, as she's...supah powerful? Gah. I lost my topic. But that's one of my theories of how we can get some Clone x Sakura ending going on.

Nice theory!  Much better than mine having her go up to him and smile ^^;;

Oh!  I also wanted to share this little SyxSa ficlet, Held Tightly by Orchid-Falls. 
Just a little expansion of Chapter 123/124.

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Re: The Official Syaoran x Sakura Thread v.02
« Reply #32 on: January 31 2007, 07:06 pm »
i don't like the new Sakura =X she looks so dark and she clings too much to fai.. fai belongs to someone else!!! we want SxS!!! and in the recent chapters there is not much chemistry between the 2 which is rather expected since R!Syaoran isn't really the Syaoran she loves..

i hope we can have the original Sakura.. not the frail, weak one though.. i love the Sakura in the Tokyo world.. but now her character is gradually changing and she's constantly troubled.. i miss her smiles..

what fai said was right.. her smile does have a heart-warming effect.. not only on Syaoran but i believe to all her fans..

but i still hope that she ends up with Clonie.. (coz his so hot with his blue eye.. *melts*) it can be seen that she still loves him despite what he is doing in the other worlds.. fai mentioned in chapt 141 that she is trying to help the other worlds because she sees the need to help Syaoran and not truly to help the world itself..

ahhh.. sakura, pls revert back to your old self and pls end up with Clonie!!! and clonie pls appear soon.. i miss his hotness.. xXxXDDD

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Re: The Official Syaoran x Sakura Thread v.02
« Reply #33 on: February 01 2007, 01:17 am »
Hmm... I wonder how Clone Syaoran is carrying all those feathers for Sakura... And when he will give them back t her... Any suggestions? ^^

Gomen for my bad english >.<

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Re: The Official Syaoran x Sakura Thread v.02
« Reply #34 on: February 01 2007, 01:30 am »
Hmm... I wonder how Clone Syaoran is carrying all those feathers for Sakura... And when he will give them back t her... Any suggestions? ^^

Probably in that cloak of his that magically appeared O.o
I hope soon.
I miss Clone Syaoran....

With the more interaction between Fay and Sakura, it just sort of reminds me of CCS.  They had talked about how people with magic are attracted (postively or negatively--like CCS!Syaoran ^^;;) to other's with magical powers.  The way they interact and how they get along just reminds me of this.  Also reminds me of the fact that CLAMP likes to drive their fans crazy. >.>

The new chapter should be coming out in a few hours but
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before I was thinking about how Sakura's wish might be wanting to go where Syaoran-kun is.

Then I started thinking what if she had gone with him.

Do you think she would have still loved him if she had seen all that he was doing?

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Re: The Official Syaoran x Sakura Thread v.02
« Reply #35 on: February 01 2007, 02:31 am »
Probably in that cloak of his that magically appeared O.o
I hope soon.
I miss Clone Syaoran....

With the more interaction between Fay and Sakura, it just sort of reminds me of CCS.  They had talked about how people with magic are attracted (postively or negatively--like CCS!Syaoran ^^;;) to other's with magical powers.  The way they interact and how they get along just reminds me of this.  Also reminds me of the fact that CLAMP likes to drive their fans crazy. >.>

The new chapter should be coming out in a few hours but
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before I was thinking about how Sakura's wish might be wanting to go where Syaoran-kun is.

Then I started thinking what if she had gone with him.

Do you think she would have still loved him if she had seen all that he was doing?

Hmm and maybe Sakura and Fai relationship is like the one between her and Yukito (from Yukito's, or even Yue's point of view...)

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I'm sure she would do everything to stop him. And who knows if Syaoran would let her be awake...

Eh... I won't read tne new chapter today - that's so mean >.<
« Last Edit: February 01 2007, 07:14 am by Tsu-girl »

Gomen for my bad english >.<

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Re: The Official Syaoran x Sakura Thread v.02
« Reply #36 on: February 01 2007, 03:05 am »
well  I too think that the real syo wanted to kill him too!!

c how the world is when life cannot live on if only................................... ...............

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Re: The Official Syaoran x Sakura Thread v.02
« Reply #37 on: February 06 2007, 02:29 am »
Hmm and maybe Sakura and Fai relationship is like the one between her and Yukito (from Yukito's, or even Yue's point of view...)

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I'm sure she would do everything to stop him. And who knows if Syaoran would let her be awake...

Eh... I won't read tne new chapter today - that's so mean >.<

hahahaa xD! maybe CLAMP try to know us in a indirect form the relationship between sakura & fai and maybe Syao its gettin new powers @w@ omg  all its confusing xD

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Re: The Official Syaoran x Sakura Thread v.02
« Reply #38 on: February 22 2007, 03:42 pm »
Cure a bit of insanity here if you could.

Why is it that people think this is R!Syaoran?
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What am I not seeing....?

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Re: The Official Syaoran x Sakura Thread v.02
« Reply #39 on: February 22 2007, 05:05 pm »
From what I've read of the sunday spoilers before the chaptire, they had heard that the splash was going to be R!Syaoran on the splash, but that could just be opinion of the poster.

I don't really think that can be C!Syaoran, personally, as CLAMP hasn't really drawn him in a servant/knight position since the Tokyo Arc.

And Chaptire 144? I say YAY for R!Syaoran. And again, yay. You're being treated like a living being. <3
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