AuthorTopic: [Anime Crossover] - Eriten Wars (Dragon Chronicles)  (Read 5625 times)

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Offline Kasawa Lanford

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[Anime Crossover] - Eriten Wars (Dragon Chronicles)
« on: February 21 2007, 05:22 pm »

First and foremost:

Disclaimer - words that you see with either a ™ or a (tm) are trademarked and may not be used by other people.

The Shinseki is owned and trademarked to Paul Diederich
Cursix is owned and trademarked to Thomas Berezansky

I use the words with their permission.

Now! On to the description ;)


Kalshion and his sister Katarina have been dispatched to a world that was crumbling to pieces; but upon arrival their powers unknowingly clash with a strange power source and results in a massive explosion. The explosion results in the dimension and the node to suddenly collapse, taking two nearby nodes with it.

However the twins did not die; instead they’ve been teleported to another node and another dimension but what they don’t realize is that the one’s responsible for destroying the previous world have followed them – but what they also don’t realize is that the node they are in is massive and contains over a thousand different dimensions and numerous worlds.


Kalshion and his sister just arrived in Nanoha’s dimension, confused and disoriented they find themselves battling one of the many dangers in her world. Standing aside and not willing to break the time line; the twins stay out of the way but it isn't long before they are forced to get involved.

Name: Kalshion Dragon
Age: 15 (Actual age is off the charts)
Appearance: Kalshion, like his sister, wears a black body suit under his robe. His robe makes him appear to be a young child due to the color’s used, but the robe in reality is a sort of like armor in that it’s very flexible and strong and protects him. His robe has several dragon image’s sewed into the fabric, these images are actually magical and give a tremendous boost in his magic.

More information can be found at this url - Cursix Tales Wiki - Kalshion

Name: Katarina Dragon
Age: 15 (Actual age is off the charts)
Appearance: Katarina wear’s a black body suit under her dragon robe; the robe has several jewels and diamonds sewed into it that help reflect and absorb any form of magic thrown at her.

More information can be found at this url - Cursix Tales Wiki - Katarina
« Last Edit: September 02 2007, 01:34 pm by Kasawa Lanford »

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Re: [Anime Crossover] - Eriten Wars (Dragon Chronicles)
« Reply #1 on: February 23 2007, 03:32 am »


A bang resonated across a barren landscape; tree’s fell to pieces, large chunks of earth flew into the air, birds that had managed to hold on to what little they had suddenly turned into ash when the insanely hot wind touched their bare skin.

On this planet a ship appeared just a few feet off the ground. It had an organic texture to it, as arms suddenly appeared from the sides of the ship and touched the ground – just then two strange figures appeared in front of the ship.

The two strangers both appeared to be in their late teens and wore kimono’s that covered a vast majority of their body. The two broke into a run across the barren landscape, all around them the ground cracked apart and lava spewed into the air. “This world is falling apart!” One of the two said as they made it to what appeared to be a rock that was protruding out of the ground; the rock appeared out of place in that there were no other rocks in the area.

“This should be a simple fix.” The male teenager said as he opened a panel on the side of the rock and attached a long thin black wire into the socket – which he attached the other end to a visor that protruded out of his helmet.

His eye’s moved from side to side as he read text that fast scrolled across his visor. “This is not good – this is really not good.” He said as he yanked the wire out of the socket and stood back up. “Back to the ship!” he shouted over the crackling sound of lava that was now slowing making it’s way toward them.

They made their way back across the ground and to the ship that hovered just a few feet off the ground. It’s “hands” had a greenish glow to them as they pressed into the ground, but this didn’t seem to stop the body from floating.

When the two of them where onboard the ship itself suddenly lurched to the side. “Sorry!” came a metallic voice from somewhere near them. The ship suddenly rightened itself and floated up into the air, its ‘hands’ suddenly glowed a blue color before they vanished.

The ship’s engines, which also appeared to be organic, came to life and fire spewed out – forcing the ship up into the air. “We need to get out of this world and back to the –,“ the teenage boy said before he was cut off by a loud bang and the ship suddenly lurching straight up. “What the!” The female said. The cockpit was suddenly bathed in a red hue as warning alarms blazed. “Engage MSS!!!” The boy yelled over the blaring alarms. “You nuts!? We can’t engage THAT while in an atmosphere!” the girl argued but the boy shot her down and engaged the ships dimensional warp drive. Space in front of them tore open for about a fraction of a second before the two of them heard a bang from the rear of the ship.

They blinked and looked at each other and then at the back of the ship; only to find a medium sized animal chomping on the wires. “Who let a raptor on board!?” The girl shouted before glaring at the boy. He smiled sheepishly and looked away. “So I wanted a pet; so sue me…” he said before being smacked across the face the girl – how her hand managed to get him when he was ten feet away is a mystery only that it happened.

The sound of the ship being torn apart brought them back to the problem at hand. The two of them typed in command after command in an attempt to realign the drives; just then the ship jumped into the tunnel. “Yes!” The boy shouted triumphantly.

“Don’t celebrate just yet bro!” The girl shouted just as the ship was hit by a massive shockwave, the resulting impact tossed the ship around the tunnel like it was just a play toy; hazard alarms suddenly came online warning the two of a hull breach somewhere on board.

“Navigational computer just went offline!” The boy shouted just as his console exploded; showering him with hot molten steel and sparks.

The girl attempted to go and assist him when the ship lurched violently to the side; throwing the two of them onto the ground and knocking them out. Outside the tunnel changed form its typical yellow hue to a nasty purple, fire and debris rained past the ship.

It felt like an eternity had gone by; but in reality only a few hours had passed. The young girl’s eye’s slowly opened as she regained consciousness. “Kalshion!” she shouted as she looked for her fellow pilot. She pushed herself off the deck and stood up; she found him lying up against the wall. She rushed over to him and placed her hand under his head and lifted his head up slightly. “Bro wake up!” she shouted but her brother didn’t make a sound.

She turned her head toward the consoles. “Sharia!” she shouted. “Report ship status!”

“Online.” A metallic, emotionless voice spoke from somewhere near her. “Self-regeneration online.” The ship spoke to her. The girl looked around; she could visibly see that the internal damage had already been repaired - the console that had exploded in front of her brother was already repaired.

A few minutes later she was in the medical room of the ship; she placed her brother on a med bed and had the ships AI scan him. “No internal damage detected.” The AI reported. “Then why isn’t he awake?” She said, her voice slightly agitated.

“I can’t answer that.” The AI reported after a brief thirty three second silence. “It’s possible he is just asleep. “Perhaps he’s having a nice dream?” the AI said a second later. This got the girl thinking, “Engage Dreamscape then.” She grinned.

The AI paused for just a split second before a transparent window appeared. On the window was a young teenage boy in a bed; on top of him was a teenage female, at first the girl couldn’t tell who it was and was slightly jelous…. Until the image cleared itself up and the girl saw who it was; her eye’s brows twitched for a second before the AI decided to take a vacation somewhere in cyberspace.

<Because the following scene’s are far to graphic, not to mention disturbing, we can’t go any further>

“Did you HAVE to hit me so hard?!” The boy complained as he rubbed his head. The girl just walked away and off the ship. “Katarina!” He said after her but she didn’t stop. Kalshion sighed and rubbed the back of his neck; “Sharia.. next time she asks you to peer into another person’s dream…. Play something else and NOT me having size is Hikeya.”

“Understood.” The AI said.

Kalshion made his way out of the medical room and into the cockpit. The damage was that bad from the inside; but when he went outside he could tell that the inside damage was just a faint – outside part of the ships dorsal wing was missing, along several layers of armor and one of the ships engine pods.

Running his hand over the ship’s ‘skin’ he could feel that it would take awhile for the ship to regenerate itself. As she walked along the ships length he soon found his sister standing near the edge of a cliff, she appeared to be slightly shaken by what happened. “We’ve been in these situations before. It’s part of our job description.” Kalshion said, breaking the silence that surrounded his sister, Katarina.

A smile creased her face. “I know – but this is not the planet I set course to.” She said and looked over at Kalshion. “Which means the plant that we had been on must’ve exploded and when it did it threw us off course.”

Her brother folded his arms and looked at the ground. “I figured something like that happened.” He said and brought his head up and looked back at the ship. “We have another problem though – the MSS is offline and need’s repairs.” He said and let out a sigh.

“Can we establish a connection to this dimension’s control center?” Katarina asked but her brother shook his head. “Sharia would’ve already done so and sent out a distress beacon; from what I can see – we landed in an unexplored dimension. Granted – it won’t be much of a problem to set up a control center here to help log all the information related to this world.” He said and his sister nodded. “We don’t need Sharia for that.” Katarina said and lifted both her hands.

A faint violet spare of energy appeared in both of her hands before coming together and forming a sword. She grabbed the sword with her leg hand and twirled it in the air, the sword beautiful glittering curve’s of purple and red.

She was about to chant her spell that would allow her to set up a control center but just then she sensed something in the area and stopped. “Bro – we have company.” Katarina said as he eyes darted around. Her brother nodded and lifted her right hand in the air, a spare of dark energy appeared and took the shape of a staff, which he gripped with his hand and brought it down to his side.

The two of them looked back at their ship; which disappeared a second later. They are near; I can sense them. Katarina said telepathically to her brother who in turn replied. I can sense two… no… four… one above and three below…
As if on cue the two of them heard something from above; Katarina turned and brought her sword up just in time for hit to clash against another sword. She blinked and saw that the person holding it was far older looking than them.

“You have one.” The man said as he pulled his sword back and swung his foot around. Katarina brought her down to block, but under-estimated the man’s speed. She flew through the air and into a nearby rock which shattered.

“Sis!” Kalshion shouted as he turned his attention to her attacker. He raised his staff and took an attack stance; the man raised an eye-brow and looked over at him. “Fool.” He said and swung his sword at Kalshion’s staff, thinking that the sword would shatter, but his confidence was shattered when Kalshion swung downward, crashing the man’s sword against the ground and breaking it in half.

The boy swung around and slammed the long end of his staff into the man’s gut, causing him to double over; he then threw the man violently onto the ground, the bone of bone’s shattering was faint but the damage was visible.

Check next post

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Re: [Anime Crossover] - Eriten Wars (Dragon Chronicles)
« Reply #2 on: February 23 2007, 03:33 am »

“You ok?!” Kalshion shouted as he watched his sister remove the rocks and other debris that had piled on top of her. “Yea I’m fine.” She said and let out a cough. Just then three more attackers suddenly appeared from behind Kalshion; but he had apparently sensed them before hand and swung his staff. A shockwave resonated out of his staff and threw the three against the ground.

One of the three attacker’s stared at Kalshion. “What the hell is he?!” he said and the other two shook their heads and before getting back up and rushing toward him; their weapon’s raised. This time it was Kalshion’s turn to mock them. “Foolish.” He said and spun his staff around and then slammed the tip into the ground.

The ground began to shake before a crack formed that seemed to have a mind of its own; the crack ran across the ground away from Kalshion, and toward the edges of the cleft. When a clear crack had been made the part of the cleft that was no longer attached suddenly broke away – taking the three attackers with it.

“Umm bro you realize they can fly right?” His sister said and stared at him. “They can’t fly when I placed a dampening field around them. Oh they won’t die, but they’ll be feeling it in the morning.” He said with a grin.

Several hours soon passed as Kalshion and his sister worked no their ship. Because the ship had a self-regeneration system, they didn’t really have to do much except repair the items that the ship couldn’t – like the engines and the MSS.

“Whew…” Kalshion said and wiped the sweat from his forehead; he laid the wrench down on the deck and closed the hatch. “Computer; initialize MSS.” He said and smiled when six green led’s came to life on the panel. “We are in business.” He said and walked back into the cockpit. “MSS is up.” He smiled and thumped toward the back of the ship.

“Good; Sharia just informed me of something very interesting.” Katarina said and turned toward her brother. “We aren’t in a single dimension, but in a massive dimension that spans on node.”

Her brother blinked several times and placed his hand on his chin. “Ok…. I didn’t think it was possible for one single dimension to exist in the node, I thought it required several dimensions?”

“Apparently not.” Katarina said with a shrug and gestured for her brother to come closer.  When he was just a few feet away a holographic orb appeared in front of them and displayed numerous pieces of information. “There is apparently a separate dimensional space between these worlds; each world has its own universe.” She said. “There’s an organization here called the Time Space Administration Bureau. At first I thought this dimension hadn’t been explored but it seems it was explored a long time ago; the TSAB is recognized by our organization.”

“Ok then why don’t we just ask them for help?” Kalshion suggested. “Not that simple; this was over four hundred years ago bro, four hundred year’s OUR time. Apparently at the time the dimension was in perfect sync with the rest of the Matrix, but sometime after communications had been made this dimension suddenly went ‘out’ of sync.” She stopped to take in a breath. “If we factor in the time difference….” He said and did the math. “That’s over six thousand years ago…. I doubt they’d even remember our organization.” He said and then understood why it wasn’t a good idea.

Katarina stood there for a few moments before revealing some bad news. “Although; that’s the good news, the bad news is that we can’t leave this dimension because it seems to be cut off from the rest of the Matrix.” She said with a heavy sigh. “Unless the Shinseki picks up on our distress signal the only thing we can do is lay low and try to live out our lives.”

Her brother nodded in agreement. “Any world here we can go to where we can live for the time being?” he asked and his sister smiled. “In fact there is; it’s a high class world, heavily protected by the TSAB.”

“Then why are we going there if we are trying to AVOID them?” Kalshion folded his arms and stared at his sister. “Because; it seems there are elements here that want what we have; if we stay in that world we might just be safe.” She said and her brother sighed. “If you say so.”

End Prologue

« Last Edit: September 02 2007, 01:34 pm by Kasawa Lanford »

Thank you bLuetopaz for Siggy and Avatar! ^_^
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