CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
Fears for the Dub
Sailor Yue-chan:
i heard Monica Rail's voice when she either accepted or presented an award on the Anime Awards, and its a really anoying voice. think of that anoying woman on Will and grace, only slightly less anoyuing than that. Monica's voice is nasaly sorta
--- Quote from: Kazemon15 on April 18 2007, 01:07 am ---Carly McKillip as Sakura Avalon
Whoever this Monica is, she certainly didnt do dub CCS Sakura.
--- End quote ---
Thank you for finally pointing that out. I tried to say that she wasn't Sakura earlier, but I was ignored about that.
Sailor Yue-chan:
monica voices kurau in "kurau: phantom memory" and possibly hikaru in "Figure 17."
i do NOT like her voice that much. i cannot imagine tht voice comming from sakura, let alone singing "you are my love"
(note: i have yet to see the trailer)
I can also confirm that Carly McKillip did the voice of Sakura Avalon in Crapcaptors. Nothing wrong with her voicing abilities but it didn't fit our heroic Mistress of the Clow.
I wonder what Syaoran's name would be...SEE-YO-RON?*Shudder*
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