CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE


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28 volumes? As much as I love TRC, that seems a bit... too much. My poor, poor economy. ^^'

--- Quote from: ---Mokona: Somebody from the anime staff said that broadcasting Fye's past would be impossible (laughs).
--- End quote ---

I never fails to amaze me that CLAMP haven't started putting disclaimers on their manga when a magazine starts publishing them or an anime company is to animate them. Like, you know:

"WARNING! Series will grow more violent with each chapter. Blood will be shed, eyeballs will be exchanged. Please take a few minutes to ponder whether your company's age target will be able to handle uncensored material before signing the contract".

Then they (hopefully) wouldn't have to suffer butchered anime based on their works or their manga being cancelled...


--- Quote from: Emiko on March 08 2007, 01:07 am ---The anime might not even continue, either, so if that was the case we probably don't need to worry about Fai's past being broadcast or not.

--- End quote ---

Yeah, it really is a drag...I really wanted to see his past in anime, but since TRC anime is kid friendly (argh) they won't do it.

Twenty-eight volumes...  Wow.  O.o  Two-thirds and eight more volumes to go. Whoosh!

Very interesting, to say the least. I wasn't expecting 28 volumes, so I'm pretty happy about these news since I'm a lover of long series.

I'm still not done with xxxHolic and I even stopped reading it somewhere in chapter 4... I really have to stop being lazy and read all of it since I don't want to miss a single bit of the storyline.

oh my god what a good news!


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