I hope that a high quality version will be realesed soon, I enjoyed this video very much but with that quality you miss so many details and that's a pity.. My favourite parts was the first scene with the xxxHolic group and the Mokonas (It was so sweet ^^), The TB scene, Seishirou was so funny XD, Mokonas dancing in the air with ballons on their backs holding them up (so cute), and the X scene when Kamui was angry he was so cute. And the part with Ashura was funny too ^^ and the Gohou drug scene too.. I liked alot in this video

Thank you, Sandra-chan! What a great start of my day!
Ashura fanservice yay (but Yasha doesn't approve)! 
And lol Seishirou!
Still it felt kinda... short. Wasn't the first CLAMP in Wonderland much longer than that? And what's up with Souma's perfectly white skin and why every anime company insist on giving Tomoyo grey hair, I'll never understand...
Your welcome! ^^
I would have liked it too be longer too, but I think it was kind of the same lenght as the first one. The first one was
approximately 03.50 mins and this one 04.07, even a bit longer than the first one, (if you don't count the credits clip).
Maybe the first one felt longer because it didn't contain as many series, so the same characters could appear more times and have longer scenes as well, it could be but I don't know...
I didn't notice that Souma had white skin, I'll try to look more closer next time I see it.. I wonder why Clamp didn't tell the animators about that?... About Tomoyo's hair, this video was after all made by madhouse, the same company that made the ccs anime so I guess they stayed with the color they used on her hair then, but I also think that it would look much better more black.