General Discussions > Anything goes...

Is this for real? CLAMP having a LJ, or is just some crazy fans?



.....I am so confused...but would be rly happy if it was true....and if this is not to be here, please get rid of it, I don't want to cause any problems.

Thank you.

Sailor Yue-chan:
More than likely its fans. But it WOULD be cool tho.

Fans. And based on the fact that they were accepted into the LJ Community CLAMP_rants, probably one or all of the moderators for that community started their accounts. The post they made there a while back was mildly hilarious. XD If the members weren't all equipped with a sense of humor, it might have been wanky.

Not to mention that in Tsubakinekoi's journal (titled, in English, I mock your pain), it says in the header, "Ohkawa is a crackwhore."

Sailor Yue-chan:

this kinda reminds me of a dream i had along time ago.

i had created some sailor mmoon charcters and posted them on ( a fandome email/message boardsite) one day i received an email from the createer herself, Naoko Takeuchi sayng she liked my characters ^^ kinda cool, and fun. too bad it was just a dream =P


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