AuthorTopic: La corda D'Oro  (Read 12390 times)

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Re: La corda D'Oro
« Reply #20 on: June 14 2007, 07:01 pm »
You got that right!! Although I studying is a must, having time to unwind is a necessity.. or else I'll die of stress.. haha  :haha:

I'm still waiting for the next episode.. Huuu.... I saw the preview to the next episode.. and it just made me more impatient.. ~Hwaaaa!~ I wanna watch it.. It looked fun too...

You're right about Yunoki... nobody knows his true character except Hino.. he may not be as nice and kind as he seems to be... but you can't call him bad and mean either.. It was surprising that he showed Hino his true side...  ;D

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Re: La corda D'Oro
« Reply #21 on: June 16 2007, 04:42 pm »
the next episode is pure fun.  I am glad that the animator includes that scene.  I just love their reaction, especially Hihara. 

about Yunoki... his dark side is what make him special in the anime/manga/game.  He loves to tease Hino, just to make fun and enjoy himself but at the same time its his unique way of showing his affection/concern.  Well... you'll find more about him in future episode..

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Re: La corda D'Oro
« Reply #22 on: June 19 2007, 12:43 pm »
Hmm... I noticed how he loves to tease Hino with his dark side.. I remembered how they emphasized how "perfect" Yunoki is.. "perfect" in a sense that its suspicious.. I found it really entertaining.. Its so much fun watching now that the each character's stories are now being unveiled.. I love La Corda D'Oro!!  ;D

I'm glad that Hino's getting over the guilt she's been feeling over the magic violin.. but when you think about it.. If I were her, I'd be really guilty and try to study violin and hope that someday I'd be able to play it with or without the magic (pertaining to the guilt within oneself).. She's really in a tough situation.. people are now looking up to her and wanting to play like she's able to.. at least she' able to get people to be involved in music more.. be it the general ed. or the music students... but I think what she's trying to show is that anyone can play the violin.. she's emphasizing on the feelings to music rather than the skill to perform well.. or at least thats what I think she's doing.. anyway, she's grown to love the violin and focusing on that... haha..   :haha:

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Re: La corda D'Oro
« Reply #23 on: June 20 2007, 09:34 pm »
I love the character development in this anime.  It gave emphasize on how Hino influenced them. 

You almost got the whole story of La Corda..... However, her guilt feeling is not yet over..... future episodes will further show how hard to be fake.  If i were in her situation.... maybe i would try to acquire another ordinary violin and practice myself... with the magic one as my guide since it automatically adjust your hand position....

Your really very observant.... i agree that the emphasis of this anime is to play music with heart.  Although skills is also important in playing an instrument but the way a player project the feeling is what make the music alive.

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Re: La corda D'Oro
« Reply #24 on: June 20 2007, 09:55 pm »
You're right about the character development... If you compare the characters from the current ones to the one where they haven't met Hino... you can really tell the difference... That's what great about it.. There is a definite change because of Hino..  ;D

Being fake, its really hard to get by it.. so you mean she's not over it? I guess that is to be expected.. You can't just ignore the effort everyone's doing to improve their skills and to be able to play gracefully and with feelings.. Seeing the pressure and sacrifice they're making to play well, and looking at yourself playing only because of the magic.. you're bound to feel guilty..  -_-

Anyway, me too.. If I were her, I'd practice in secret until I can achieve the same skill as I play using magic... that way, the lie can now become the truth...  :haha:

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Re: La corda D'Oro
« Reply #25 on: June 21 2007, 11:41 pm »
Everyone change because of Hino.... the most obvious is Ryoutaro and Tsukimori.  Ryo started to play piano in public.  Tsukimori music become free... then the teacher .... hmmm... that will be a spoiler if i continue to list down the development... But i think the teacher knew that Hino can play the violin because of Lili, although he can't see Lili.

BTW.... I read somewhere that they joked Lili was a cross breed of Wolfram from Kyou Kara Maou and Tinker Bell.  :)

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Re: La corda D'Oro
« Reply #26 on: June 22 2007, 04:47 pm »
I remembered in the first part of the story that when Hino asked why she was included in the concours, the teacher answered that she can see "it"... I doubted it a bit since it wasn't much of a big deal in the storyline(so far)... I guess he knew about Hino totally new it.. since she did freak out at first  :greengrin: 

but really.. being dragged on to the concours is rather stressing.. At least some good came out of it..  :keke:

I don't know Kyou Kara Maou but I just looked it up... HAHA!! :haha:  You're right! Lili does look like a cross breed from tinkerbell and Wolfram..  :XD:

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Re: La corda D'Oro
« Reply #27 on: June 24 2007, 06:53 pm »
i agree...preparing for a concour is stressing...  I am impressed that Hino is able to play freely in the first two selection.

finally the episode 14 is out. Hihara has all the deformed moment in the episode.... Only Tsuchiura is calm and act like an older brother again.  I always wonder what if the Tsuchiura and company weren't there in yunoki house... what nasty things will that evil yunoki do to Hino?  Then at the end.... Tsukimori seems to be disappointed ...  ( the train station scene)

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Re: La corda D'Oro
« Reply #28 on: June 24 2007, 11:57 pm »
I just watched episode 14... haha! Its sooo cute... Hihara was getting all riled up after hearing about Hino and Yunoki.. Its really a funny episode.. They even dragged along the other guys... I guess this episode is a break from the concours.. :haha:

The ending scene at the train station caught my attention... ~Hwaaa.....~  :o

It made me want to watch the next episode so badly...  -_-

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Re: La corda D'Oro
« Reply #29 on: June 25 2007, 09:02 pm »
Yeah... they tagged along... that means they are concerned about Hino.

Ending scene is an all original anime scene.  Because in manga Tsuchiura ex girl was introduced in latter part.  Next episode is the side story episode.... You'll met Hihara's brother.

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Re: La corda D'Oro
« Reply #30 on: June 26 2007, 07:59 pm »
Hihara's brother?!  :o  Haha! I wonder if he's as happy and cheerful as Hihara.. I can't wait for the next episode!!  :haha:

Looks like the guys are now pretty concerned with whats happening to Hino.. Its fun to watch light and funny side stories..  :greengrin:  ... I'm so anxious for the next episodes.. its killing me...  :XD:

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Re: La corda D'Oro
« Reply #31 on: June 26 2007, 10:51 pm »
You can easily spot Hihara brother in the preview episode.... and of course it Hihara-centric episode.

Everyone is concerned because Hino has gradually changed them. 

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Re: La corda D'Oro
« Reply #32 on: June 27 2007, 01:50 pm »
Haha! I can't wait for the next episode..  :XD:

now that they're getting more concerned about Hino.. I wonder who'll she end up with..  ???  I think its either Tsukimori or Tsuchiura.. or something... :keke:

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Re: La corda D'Oro
« Reply #33 on: June 29 2007, 09:20 pm »
Me too I love to see Tsukimori x Hino end up together.... but the series didn't further go beyond last selection...  But the hints provided by the animator more gear toward Tsukimori.

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Re: La corda D'Oro
« Reply #34 on: June 29 2007, 10:28 pm »
Hmmm... I think so too... although I like Tsuchiura, TsukimoriXHino is a better pair up.. I noticed as the anime progressed.. and it seemed like there are more Tsukimori moments compared to the others..

I'm still waiting for ep 15.. huuuuuu... I wish I could watch it now..  -_-