CLAMP's Famous Works > Manga Chapter Discussions

chapter 158

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Miescha Clayre:
once again... chibi yuuto has enlighten me!!! Well, actually I was thinking about this even before reading her comments on the chapter... CLAMP hasn't revealed the second curse... we don't know what the second curse is... it can't be becoming a chess piece because how in the world can that only work in Celes??? but of course that's just a thought...


--- Quote from: Miescha Clayre on June 29 2007, 05:45 am ---Maybe he was glaring at Ashura-ou? After all he was near Fai/Yuui... Ah so I'm not the only one confused about the second curse!!!

--- End quote ---

yeah, i think he was glaring at Ashura-ou too...

or maybe he WAS glaring at Fai because if he had such horrible past, SUCH horrible past, why didn't he tell anybody?

maybe that's what Kuro-rin's thinking? ^^ coz if i were Fai, i can't manage to keep that all to myself and end up telling it to someone.. even if it's just one person... and on top of that, Fai was always smiling even though he has a horrible past..

if i were kurogane, i'd think of Fai as a really strong person.. and i'd think of his mask as a really strong one.. maybe kuro-pon was worried that Fai might break down?

gaa..i'm not making any sense xD juz ignore me

Miescha Clayre:
Well a past as horrible as that one I'd would rather not talk about it and just forget it... So maybe that'sthe same thing that Fai was thinking...

Maybe Fay didn't want sympathy or pity. He feared they'd treat him different or if he got too close he couldn't do whatever he promised to FWR.

Møon Li:

 That FWR is so evil... and... I like to think that Ashura-ou is not one of the "bad guys", with that sweet face... maybe he already knew about the unlucky twins and wanted to help them... I can't wait next chapter.


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