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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine smiled. "Had a good sleep I suppose.." he said before getting off his chair. "Can you get out of bed?" He asked, making sure that she was actually, truly, ok.

Director of Music:
She nodded silently and quickly got off the bed.  She looked up at him, wondering what he wanted her to do next.

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine smiled and stuffed his hands into his pockets. "You must be hungry, how about I show you to the cafeteria?" he said, referring to the one in the dormitory rather than the one in the main building.

He made a gesture to the doctor to have him contact Henrietta and Treila's handlers, to let them know he was headed to the dorm cafeteria, he had stuff he had to do before starting her training so he felt it would be best for someone her age or slightly older to show her around.

Director of Music:
She nodded, silently and walked off toward the cafeteria.

Once there, she looked around and saw a brown haired girl and a blonde hair girl waving at her.

Kasawa Lanford:
"Henrietta, Triela, think you two can show her around for me please?" He asked them.

"Sure, why not.." Triela said and looked at the girl. "Nice to meet you, my name's Triela, and this is Henrietta." She said, gesturing to the girl beside her.

Ryoshine smiled and turned around. "I'll be back in about an hour or so, so don't give them any problems." He said and left the cafeteria.


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