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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine was now suspious, it was one thing to be nervous about a mission, but another not to say what was actually bothering them. He decided to talk to the director when he got back, Guiseppe was equally if not more suspious.

"Come on," Ryoshine said and walked over to the double doors of the warehouse. He knelt down and found a leather strap attached to the door, wrapping his hand around it he pulled up until the door slid upward and into an open slot.

Inside he saw crates stacked ten high; dolleys present against the wall spoke that this 'abandoned' warehouse wasn't so abandoned. The warehouse itself was bathed in a light red glow, as Ryoshine walked inside he gestured to Henrietta and the others to follow him.

As he looked around he wondered - where is his contact?

Director of Music:
Giorgia hesitantly followed Ryoshine inside.  She stood behind him and Henrietta.

Kasawa Lanford:
"Ahhh..... Konban-wa, Ryoshine-sama..." A deep voice boomed through the warehouse. "Nice of you to come, I didn't think you'd have the guts to venture into my domain."

Ryoshine spat on the ground before responding. "Enough crap, Putinay...." he said in an annoyed tone.

The man smiled and walked out from the darkness, "I see you brought two children with you... kind of dan- oh wait... these aren't 'those' type of kids are they?" he asked.

Guiseppe looked visually stunned, but Ryoshine wasn't. "Your information network is as good as always..." He said and took out a document he had hidden inside his coat and slapped it down on a near by table. The man walked over and opened it, nodding a few times until he came to the part that Ryoshine was going to ask him about, "ahhh.... so this is why you've come to me... very well... come with me but those two there," he pointed to Henrietta and Guiseppe, "stay out here." he said and walked toward an open door.

"Guiseppe, since Henrietta's hearing is very good, can see memorize 'everything' he says?" Ryoshine asked, Guiseppe nodded and turned to Henrietta. "You heard him."

"Yes Sir," Henrietta said.

"Giorgia, keep an eye open..." he said to Giorgia before turning to Guiseppe,"Stay here, he only trusts me and someone else there might make him feel uncomfortable," he said, Guiseppe nodded and stayed behind while Ryoshine made his way deeper into the warehouse.

OOC: Post edited due to a major sentence error

Director of Music:
"Yes sir." Giorgia answered.  She figured she had gotten into enough trouble for a while.  She stood next to Henrietta.  She shoved her hand in her coat pocket, fingering the piece of paper Herr Wilm had given her.  Who exactly was he?  And how did he know me?  She pondered.  I really don't know if I should tell Mr.Ryoshine either...I don't think I'm supposed to know all of this...  She sighed, which got a glance from Henrietta.  Which, Giorgia ignored.  What to do...what to do...

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine followed his friend into a room, another man carrying an AK-47 walked out and closed the door behind him.

"H2B9" Ryoshine said, his friend turned to him, a curious look on his face. "H2B9?" he repeated what Ryoshine said, before nodding, "I recognize that..."

"It's a biomechnical virus... created to attack to attack a biomechnical body....." Ryoshine folded his arms and stared at the man, the look on his face could melt glass.

His friend smiled weakly. "N-now hold on, you think I had something to do with this?"

"Why not? You have your dirty little hands in every black market and terrorist organization across the planet.... why shouldn't I think you had something to do with this?" Ryoshine said, taking a few steps closer to the man.

"Now hold on there Ryo-boy.... I-" the man said before Ryoshine's gloved hand found the mans throat, Ryoshine picked the man up off the ground and slammed him against the metal wall, sending out a metal 'thump' across the warehouse.

The man struggled, Ryoshine just kept his grip for a few seconds before finally releasing him. The man fell to the ground with a thump, coughing in the process.

He waited several minute's before his 'friend' was able to speak again. "You've made your point..." he said, running his fingers around his throat. "Four weeks ago one of my men got wind of a terrorist group in London that had been sent a canister of the stuff."

Ryoshine nodded, but allowed the man to keep speaking. "We managed to track the source to a man named..... Robert Lica..." he said, the name caused Ryoshine to unfold his arms and bring them to his side. "You sure?" he asked, his voice tense.

"Very," the man said and took out a picture that was in his pocket. "You know him?"

"No..." Ryoshine lied and rubbed his chin. "Anyway, how'd he get ahold of this stuff?"

"You're the officer..." The man said and took the picture and put it in his pocket. "You should-" he said before his cell phone went off. He flipped it own and read a text message, the man cursed before looking at Ryoshine. "Seem's someone tiped you off, an observer just spotted several flat bed's heading straight here... seem's the local terrorist group wants to roll out the welcome mat."

Ryoshien cursed and opened the door and rushed out; the man stayed behind. He ran through the warehouse before finding Guiseppe and the others, "how'd it go?" he asked. "Fine, we got company coming so let's get going.."

"Good luck," one of the guards there said, "they are coming up the only way in and out of this place, so unless you four can fly... you'll have to fight your way through it," the guard said, bring up his M-16 when he heard an engine in the distance.

Ryoshine grumbled. "Get the weapons out of the car, looks like we'll be fighting our way through.."


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