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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine wasn't very happy, and it showed in his driving. He weaved in and out of traffic, narrowly avoiding two semi-trucks and a military humvee. As they approuched the airport, the authorites were seen arresting several of the employees.
"something wrong officer?" Ryoshine asked as he drove up, the officer looked him and his occupants. "Just a bust is all, if you have a flight here then check in and board that flight as we'll be closing down the airstrip in a few."
He nodded and drove the car into the garage; once inside Guiseppe helped Henrietta out. She wasn't to baddly injuried but knew that once they got back to the agency she would have to be treated. "How is she?"
"Doing ok; luckily she has a hard head," he rasped. Henrietta just sighed, she looked over at Giorgia and placed a hand on her shoulder. She couldn't say anything because she knew there wasn't anything 'to' say, for Ryoshine he knew something 'else' was up though when he noticed that Henrietta movement was sluggish, her expression was that of pain.
Director of Music:
She was numb. She knew Ryoshine was going to talk to her once they got back. She knew she shouldn't be having all these memories, but in a way, it made her feel sane- made her felt human.
She felt a hand touch her shoulder. She didn't want to look. She put her head against the window and curled up. She put her hand in her coat pocket- and realized she still had Mr. WIlm's phone numer
Kasawa Lanford:
As the aircraft took off, the pilot leaned over to Ryoshine who was sitting in the co-pilots seat. He whispered something into his ear, with a nod the air craft increased its speed.
Henrietta and Guiseppe were in the back of the craft. Henrietta had, for some strange reason, fallen ill which was mysterious in the fact that Cyborgs don't fall ill due to the way their body's are developed and enhanced - a normal virus that would harm a human won't do anything to a bio-mechnical enhanced human.
Ryoshine was tempted to scold Giorgia, but his concern was more for Henrietta. Upon arrival at the airport, a car was waiting to take them back to the agency.
Director of Music:
The group quickly landed and hurried off to the car. Henrietta was getting worse, and Guisuppe was getting stressed. They took the car, and in a short time, arrived at the Agency. Guisuppe rushed Henrietta off, while Ryoshine and Giorgia slowly got off. She mused, This is getting quite repetitive...
Kasawa Lanford:
Before they even got to the door Ryoshine let out a frustrated sigh and turned around and stared intensly at Giorgia. "What were you thinking going after that man?" he asked in an angered tone.
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