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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Director of Music:
Giorgia didn't want to look at him.  She could feel his eyes boring down on her, and that voice seemed disappointed in her.  She hated disappointment.  "He killed.  He killed...he..." She just couldn't finish the sentence.  It was too painful.

Kasawa Lanford:
"So without thinking you abandoned the team and went on a personnel crusade? You could've gotten yourself killed, and then nothing would've been accomplished." He said and continued to stare at her, after a minute or two he turned away. "Get to your dorm room...." he said, he was disappointed in himself for not noticing his lack of conditioning.

Director of Music:
She tearfully took steps foward.  Then, she whispered without turning around.  "Maybe it would have been better."  She then ran to her dorm room, shutting the door behind her.  She sat on the bed, hugging the bunny plushie.

Kasawa Lanford:
He rolled his fingers into a fist and snarled, he was about to go report to the director when Guiseppe came out. "We got a problem!" he said and Ryoshine rushed into the building.

In the medical room; Henrietta was in a lot of pain. She was bleeding from several wounds on her body that had initially been closed weeks and months ago, Guiseppe watched with fear in his eyes, Ryoshine grumbled and got on the innercom and told the doctor to check her blood stream for a certain blood cell.

The doctor did just that; and before long it was discovered that Henrietta had contracted the virus - H2B9.

Ryoshine was confused, as far as he knew the virus could only be contracted when the person breathed it in. Henrietta hadn't breahted it in, she had only been - "Shot...." Ryoshine said. "Shot?" Guiseppe said curiously, but never got a chance to question it before he ordered the doctor to yank the bullet that was lodged in her arm out, upon doing so he handed it to Ryoshine who quickly rushed out of the medical room.

Director of Music:
In her room, Giorgia's breathing evened out.  Her head clearer, she took out the phone number and dialed the phone number on the piece of paper.  She realized now who Wilm was.  It was her father's friend.  Almost immediately, Wilm answered.


"Herr Wilm? Es ist ich, Giorgia. Geehrter Herr, habe ich nicht viel Zeit. Der Platz bin ich an... ihnen notiere alles. Herr Wilm, sah ich... Hauptbietrich heute. Ich kann nicht ihn töten selbst, obgleich ich zu wünsche. Ich bin in genügender Mühe, wie ist. Denken Sie Sie können?"

There was a pause at the other end.  "Liebes Kind... habe ich jene Wörter gewartet. Ich tue mein bestes. Sie nehmen Obacht von selbst... Fräulein Kretschmann."
"Danke, Herr Wilm."  Giorgia was about to hang up, when Wilm said, "OH- und Giorgia? Ihr Vater würde auf Sie sehr stolz gewesen sein."  Giorgia smiled.  "Danke." and hung up.  She breathed out.  Whatever happened next, whatever Ryoshine wanted to do to her, she was ready.

*It's me, Giorgia.  Sir, I don't have much time.  The place I'm at...they record everything.  Mr. Wilm, I saw...Major Bietrich today.  I cannot kill him myself, although I want to.  I am in enough trouble as is.  Do you think you can?
* Dear child...I have been waiting for those words.  I will do my best.  You take care of yourself...Miss Kretschmann.
*Oh, and Giorgia? Your father would have been very proud of you.


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