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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine shook his head in amazement. "They tiped off the bullets with a tiny amount of the virus..." he said as he examiend the tip of the recovered bullet, while it was largely broken apart, it was still apart of the main bullet so he found locate the blue 'flecks' that made up the powder form of the virus.

He sighed and dug out a pendent he kept in his pocket. Inside was a yellowish liquad that shined when light hit it, "I guess I have no choice..." he said and went back to the medical room and instructed the doctor to inject the liquad into Henrietta's blood stream.

The doctor did just that and after a few minute's her heart rate began to calm down and she began to show signs of no longer being in pain. "How'd you know that would work?" Guisepp asked, amazed.

"Because.... not only did I create that virus... but I also developed the antidote.." Ryoshine said.

Director of Music:
Giorgia paced around her room.  She grabbed her dad's picture and put it inside the desk drawer. Not much safer..but, oh well.  She stopped and peered at the mirror.  Who WAS she?  Who was she supposed to become?  She hardly knew her birth father, he was Italian.  She didn't even know his name.  Or rather, she didn't remember.  She sighed.  For all that she knew, she looked like her Italian father.  The only thing she could comfort herself with was that her eyes matched the German man she had grown to love.

Worthless....Die....not proud.....

Kasawa Lanford:
The director nodded. "I see...." he said when he heard Ryoshine's explanation of the virus and how it was created, plus who created it. "You created the antidote... can you create it again?"

He sighed. "No.... the pendent was the only antidote I had. I don't have the chemicals nor the facility to create another, unless you can get both for me...."

"This is bad..." Hillshire said, annoyed. "If those terrorists have access to a virus and are able to tip their bullets off with it, then our battles against them will become a hell of a lot harder."

Ryoshine nodded. "Yes.... and I'm sure they'll use them again any child that is armed with a gun, whether they be cyborg or human."

The director nodded lightly before turning toward the wall. "We'll need to develop some new techniques... think you can do that Ryoshine?" the director asked him. "I can yes," he said and walked toward the window.

"To create the antidote.. what do you need?" The direcotr asked him. Ryoshine turned to him and explained him exactly 'what' the virus was, it was designed to be a nano-virus, only affecting those who it was designed to affect. In order to develope an antidote, the nano-machines would have to be designed to find the nano-virus. It was so complex that the director had him stop mid-way, "Ok.. I get it.. I'll see what I can do."

"In the mean time, don't you think you should up her conditioning?" Hillshire said, Ryoshine sighed. "You heard..." he said and the man nodded. "Yes....while I don't like 'forcing' things unto people, in this case he almost got us killed. Tonight after she falls asleep, we'll have her undertake another conditioning process. Hopefully she'll lose the memories that resulted in her lossing her loyalty to you," the director said.

 "But she won't lose all her memorys?" Ryoshine asked.

"she'll recall her name, and perhaps certain events that transpired... but other than that she'll not remember anything else," the director said. With a heavy sigh, Ryoshine nodded. "Very well...." he said and left the room.

Once out Hillshire shook his head. "If he had made the chioce to have her go through a second conditioning process this probably wouldn't have happened," he said.

Director of Music:
Giorgia didn't know what to do with herself.  So she decided to check out the rec. room, in which earlier, she had declined.  The room was heavily furnished with things for the "children" to do.  And that's when Giorgia saw the piano.  It was a small version, but Giorgia was still tranced by it.  She silently put a hand on the keys and sat on the bench.  Memories of hearing her father and her play duets flooded her memory.  Tears began forming again.  She couldn't help it.

She started playing Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata.

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine had headed to his room initially, but stopped when he gripped the knob of the door. He let out a sigh before heading to the cyborg dorm, when he went to Giorgia's room he discovered that she wasn't there. "Huh...." he said before hearing something.

He followed the sound until he came across the recreational room. He found Giorgia playing the piano, but instead of walking into the room he merely leaned up against the wall and listened.


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