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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Director of Music:
She played the whole piece by memory.  She closed her eyes, and the notes just flowed from her.  The deep, mournful piece transported her to a world of her own.  She got to the end of the piece.  The spell was broken, she opened her eyes.  She stood up and looked at the piano one more time.

She whispered softly, "I love you, daddy."  She then turned to leave when she saw Ryoshine standing there.  She turned a deep shade of red.  She gulped.

Kasawa Lanford:
He smiled at her. "Not bad," he said and placed his hand on her head, while he was still very upset with her, he had a problem showing it after hearing that peice of wonderful playing. "It's almost dinner time, get something to eat before heading to bed. Tomorrow morning you'll have class," he said to her placed his hands to his side.

He knew, however, that she wouldn't remember him saying that. In fact, he realized that the 'type' of conditioning that she would go through would require him to retrain her, thankfully she hadn't gone far into the traniing process.

Director of Music:
Giorgia stuttered.  "I-I-I'm not..not hungry..I'll just..go..and sleep.  Goodnight, sir."  She headed off to her room, head still down.  She opened her room and sat on her bed.  She got up again and took the photo from the drawer. This was one night where she missed him immensely.  Putting the picture next to her on the pillow, she slowly fell asleep.

Kasawa Lanford:
During the middle of the night; a couple men entered Giorgia's room and gave her a sedative, making it so that she wouldn't awaken. Ryoshine watched this with disgust, but he knew it was the right thing to do.

In order to make the process complete; the memories from the other cyborgs were also altered just sightly. Henrietta wouldn't remember the trip to germany, even though she had scars to show for it. Rico, Treila, Angelica, Claes, they would remember her but not the trip she took.

Two days would eventually pass, Ryoshine had used the time wisely to look through records pertaining to the terrorists they had fought in germany. While most were being financed by german groups, a couple were actually located in italy. "Guess after I re-train her we'll have a mission.." Ryoshine said.

The men who had taken her out of her room brought her back to room earlier that morning; one had put the covers over her even though that wasn't a requirement. "Now let's just hope this process does away with her inability to follow orders," Hillshire said softly before leaving the room to attend to his own needs.

Director of Music:
Giorgia slowly opened her eyes.  She was groggy.  She blinked a couple of times and looked around.  She was in her room.  She looked at her pillow, and realized a picture was sticking out of it.  She gently took it out.  A man in uniform was holding up a wine glass.  She stared hard at that picture.  He looked vaguely familiar but she couldn't place it. She knew however, that it was important.
Meanwhile, Wilm had started to track Franz Bietrich down.  He wanted to avenge his friend, and all he needed was that phone call from Giorgia.  He booted up his computer and logged on.  He got the updated bio on Franz, grimacing as he did so.  One article went so far to say, "Major Franz Bietrich is an alluding man.  Once he strikes, he deals a fatal blow, then disappears off the map; only to return when he wants too."  Wilm located all the places that Franz striked.  Most were in Germany.  A couple in France, and a lot were in Italy too.  Hosenfeld bit his lip.  This would be harder than he thought.


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