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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine rubbed the back of his chin, he'd spent the past few hours trying to get ahold of his 'friend' but hadnt had any luck. "What the hell is he doing that makes it so he can't answer the freaken phone..." he said and turned his cell off and took a seat at his computer. He brought up some information related to their last mission, including some from another team at the agency that had tailed the terrorist leader, but lost him shortly there after.

"I guess he'll be difficult to track if he was able to slip away from us 'that' easily." Ryoshine said and sighed. "I need a drink..." he said and headed to the cafeteria and poured himself a cup of coffee.

Director of Music:
Franz stared at the young girl in front of him with loathing.  Everything about her was of Italian features.  Except for those eyes- those eyes reminded him of his "friend"  Those deep blue eyes. 

Giorgia grimaced, and did not say anything at all.  All she could think about was how she was going to get in trouble for letting her guard down.  All of a sudden she felt her blindfold being removed.

Kasawa Lanford:
His coffee tasted terrible so he threw it out and went back to working on his report, as the time flew bye he finally gave up on trying to figure out where the terrorist group has moved to.

He was just about to leave his office when a knock came, he opened the door to find Hillshire standing in the doorway. "Have you seen Giorgia?"

"No, I assumed she was back in class..." Ryoshine said, but when he saw Hillshire shake his head he left the office to search the grounds.

Director of Music:
Giorgia blinked a couple of times and looked at the man who had taken the blind off.  He had blond hair and blue eyes.  He had a cleanly shaven face, topped off with a smirk- towards her.  Once again, he looked vaguely familar, just like the picture in her room, but she couldn't place him.  The man spoke

"Giorgia Kretschmann..."
"Sorry.  You might have the wrong person. My last name is Pacino."

The man glared at her, and spat at her with rage.  "Schwachsinnig. Sie würden eher einen italienischen letzten Namen als Ihr deutscher letzter Name haben? Pathetisch! Ihr italienischer Vater Sie, ließen Sie sich erinnern nicht? Sie wurden oben durch das deutsche Lietunenat Thomas Kretschmann geholt."

Giorgia's eyes widened.  German...he speaks German..

Franz glared at the girl.  Studied her face.  He was slightly taken aback.  Unlike last time, there was no fury in those eyes.  No call for revenge.  They were...emotionless.  Had she been brainwashed?  No matter.  He lowered his voice.  "Was kennen Sie über Ihren Vater?"

Giorgia stared at him.  My father?  She remembered the photo, that significant feeling it had to it.  Could that have been him?  "Eh.. Mein Vater war ein deutscher Offizier

Franz rolled his eyes.  This was getting nowhere.  But as he looked into her eyes, he realized she was being truthful.  "Ich erkläre Ihnen über Ihren.... Vater. Er war ein sehr intelligenter Mann und auch bezauberte. Er könnte jede mögliche Frau erhalten haben, die er wünschte. Stattdessen wählte er eine italienische Frau mit einem Kind. Selbstverständlich seine Vorgesetzten etwas gekümmert, gleichwohl er einer von den besten war. Er schob die Rank schnell hoch. Und I, befreundet ihm. Wir waren durchaus das Duo. Dann ist das, als wir auch... ah... trafen, was sein Name war. Ja. Wilm Hosenfeld. Die drei von uns wurden unseperable. Aber Ihr Vater, erhielt er. emotional schwächer. Eine was für Beleidigung zur deutschen Armee, sehen Sie?"

Giorgia understood, however she couldn't see what the big deal was.  She knew her parents loved each other, and was pretty sure her father had loved her. "He Herr. Was ist Ihr Name?"

Franz, slightly irritated that he had been inturrupted, answered anyways.  "Ich bin Haupt Franz Bietrich. Jetzt keine mehr inturruptions, bis ich meine Geschichte beende. Ich denke, daß Sie sie eher genießen würden."  He smirked.  "Wie ich sagte, war er schwächer gewachsen. Niemande sahen ihn, aber mich. Ich sah, welches Kretschmann geworden war. Eine irksome Abbildung. Das ist, als ich entschied, ihn zu töten. AnfangsWAR ich im Begriff, gerade ihn zu töten. Aber dann verwirklichte ich, ich würde sein besser weg vom Töten die ganze Sie. Ich sprach mit Hosenfeld über es. Er wies die Idee zurück und mir war mir erklärt geistlich. Hahaha. Dann diese Nacht. Ahh..."  He looked at the girl.  She had grown pale, but there was no recognition in her face.  He continued on.

"Selbst und ein Paar der Männer, die ihm zugestimmt hatten, angekommen in Ihrem cozy kleinen Haus. Ich schlug geöffnet die Tür und die Säge Sie Abendessen Essens drei. Ihr Vater trug noch seine Uniform. Sie waren lachend und klatschend und was auch immer und Ihre Mutter lächelten, während sie die Nahrung austeilte. DAS war kurzlebig. Ich nehme an, daß jemand bereits Ihren Vater weg von gespitzt hatte, aber er nicht ihm glauben wollte. Ich bedeute, * Lachen * sein bester Freund töte ihn? Nicht eine Wahrscheinlichkeit? Hahaha. Das war, wo Sie Vater waren falsch sind. Jetzt seiend intelligent, verwirklichte er dieses und warf Sie in einen Raum. Ich schoß ihn in der Rückseite. Ihre Mutter, bereits absolut. Mein Mann war in den Raum eingestiegen, den Sie innen waren und ich dachte, hatte er Sie getötet, aber anscheinend, haben Sie einen starken Schädel."

Giorgia stared at the man. Unable to comprehend what he had just said.  Best friend?  Killed?  Murderer?  Her head was swirling.

Franz watched, and smirked.  "Gehen Sie nicht auf mir, wie Ihrem Vater schwach. Geben Sie mir die Telefonnummer Ihres... Führers, oder whoever ist verantwortlich für Sie. Ich konnte in der LageSEIN, ein Abkommen mit Ihnen zu bilden, dann töte Sie. Wir sehen."

Giorgia grimaced.  She didn't want too, either way, she would be killed.  However, she wanted to hurt this man too, and she knew she needed backup.  She gave him the phone number.

*Imbecile.  You would rather have an Italian last name than your German last name?  Pathetic!  Your Italian father left you, do you not remember?  You were brought up by the German Lietunenat Thomas Kretschmann.
*What do you know about your father?
*My father was a German officer
*I'll tell you about your .... father.  He was a very intelligent man, charming too.  He could have gotten any woman he wanted.  Instead, he chose an Italian woman with a child.  Of course, his superiors minded slightly, however he was one of the best.  He moved up the ranks quickly.  And I, befriended him.  We were quite the duo.  Then, that's when we also met...ah...what was his name.. Yes.  Wilm Hosenfeld.  The three of us became unseperable.  But your father, he got weaker.. emotionally.  What an insult to the German army, you see?
*Hey mister, what's your name?
*I am Major Franz Bietrich.  Now, no more inturruptions until I finish my tale.  I think you would rather enjoy it.
*As I was saying, he had grown weaker.  No one else saw it, but me. I saw what Kretschmann had become.  An irksome figure.  That's when I decided to kill him.  At first, I was going to kill just him.  But then I realized, I would be better off killing all of you.  I talked to Hosenfeld about it.  He rejected the idea and told me I was mental.  Hahaha.  Then, that night.  Ahh...
*Myself and a couple of men who had agreed to it, arrived at your cozy little house.  I banged open the door and saw you three eating dinner.  Your father was still wearing his uniform.  You were laughing and clapping and whatever, and your mother was smiling as she handed out the food.  THAT was short lived.  I suppose someone had already tipped your father off but he didn't want to believe it.  I mean, *Laughs* His best friend kill him?  Not a chance?  Hahaha.  That was where you're father was wrong.  Now, being smart, he realized this and threw you into a room.  I shot him in the back.  Your mother, already dead.  My man had gone into the room you were in and I thought, he had killed you, but apparently, you have a thick skull.
*Don't go weak on me, like your father did.  Give me the phone number of your... leader or whoever is in charge of you.  I might be able to make a deal with you, then kill you.  We shall see.

Kasawa Lanford:
"Nothing?" Ryoshine said after a fifteen minute search throughout the compound. Henrietta and Rico both shook their heads, Hillshire grumbled and Jean just sighed. "Perhaps you should've enforced her conditioning even 'more' so that she wouldn't just disappear like this," Hillshire

"I doubt she had a 'choice' in the matter," Ryoshine said and continued his search.


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