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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine replied the conversation in his head for a second before replying. "Lt. Thomas Kretschmann, yes I know who that is," Ryoshine said not bothering to mention Giorgia's name. "So, what does he want?" Ryoshine siad, refering to Franz.

Director of Music:
Wilm, frazzled, was about to loose it. "Vat does he want?! He HAS GIOR-"  It was just then that there was a beeping noise on the other end signlaing that Ryoshine had another call coming in.

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine blinked. "Hold on," he said and switched call, putting Wilm on hold. "Yes?" he said.

Director of Music:
Franz smirked, and faked a sigh. "Ah, Herr Ryoshine, is it?  Vhy must your ah...charge be so...troublesome?  I have 'er. Giorgia.  You don't believe?  Here-"  He put the phone against Giorgia.

"M-mr.Ryoshine?  I-I'm sorry, sir."  He took the phone away from her.  "I told her about that little...ah...incident  I thought she had a um.. right to know.  Turns out however, she doesn't remember, or doesn't vant to."

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine scowled, most of the cyborgs here choose not to remember their pasts due to how damaging it was psychologically, which was the reason why in the most serious of case's the conditioning progress completely erased the memory of their past. "I see..." he said and walked toward the garage door. "So, what do you want from her? Or is there something you want from us?"


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