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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Director of Music:
"Mm...Rather both, you see.  I have a personal score to settle with the...girl.  Some unfinished business to attend to.  You though...Herr Ryoshine.  You have a certain item..I want"

Kasawa Lanford:
He grinned. "Uh huh... so you want that.." he said and grabbed his baton from his side and twirled it around his hand. "You expect me to just 'give it' to you on a whim?"

Director of Music:
Franz sighed.  "You Japanese are so hard to handle."  He looked over at Giorgia, her blue eyes staring intently at him.  The car stopped and he motioned one of his men to get Giorgia.  "You have this phone, tracked, do you not?  Meet me here, with the item.  And you'll get..." He sighed, "Your little child here, back, not killed."  He shut the phone off.  "Folgen Sie mir, Kind. Betrachten Sie sich glücklich. Ich hatte eine Änderung des Herzens. Eher benötige ich, daß Einzelteil, das Ihr Führer hat, mehr als Sie. Was ist eine alte Mißgunst, wie?"
Wilm was impatiently on the other end, getting his men together for an attack.

*Follow me, child.  Consider yourself lucky.  I had a change of heart.  Rather, I need that item your leader has, more than you.  What's an old grudge, eh?

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine removed the phone from his ear and about to hang up when he remembered that he had someone else on the line, someone on hold. He flipped back to the other call, "sorry..." he said to Wilm. "But it seems Franz wants something more than just Giorgia.." he said.

Director of Music:
"Finally" Wilm breathed.  "Well, of course he does.  Wants complete control, doesn't he? I know him very well, sir.  He of my best friends.  Him and Mr. Kretschmann both.  Will you care to work together?"


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