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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine thought about it; he wasn't sure if it was a good idea to includ an outside force espically since he would be calling upon the other handlers for help. "Alright, I'll give you a call once I check up on where he is hiding out at." Ryoshine said and hung up.

He knows he should've stayed on the line, but his concern was more for the secrecy of the agency. He headed to the security office before heading and informed the director, who told Hillshire and Jean to help him out, Guiseppe was to keep Henrietta out of the fight and to only get involved if things turned bad.

Ryoshine liked this, Rico was their expert sniper and Triela was their expert hand to hand. "So, where is he?" the director asked.

"In Italy, near a propane factory. He's effectively made it so we can't use any heavy weapons, but I'm confident in Rico's skills so that she won't hit the tanks." Ryoshine said, Jean nodded, "she's gotten better, but not perfect."

He clasped his hands. "I've also agreed to let an outside force help, but we'll try and keep our selves out of sight," he said, the director didn't appriciate Ryoshine making decisions without him, and the doctor was equally against it. "We have no choice, whether we like it or not Franz seems to know things..." Ryoshine said

The director relunctantly agreed and dismissed them. "Hillshire, Jean, Guiseppe get them ready."

As he headed to the garage he opened his cell and called Wilm. "He's at the local propane tank ten miles away from the culture theater," he said.

Director of Music:
Wim replied.  "Alright.  My mem are moving in as we speak.  Good luck to you."

Franz looked at his fingers, Giorgia was across from him.  "In a few moments, this place will be rather busy.  Knowing your side, they'll want to put up a fight."  Franz smirked.  "I'm ready for them."  He looked at her.  "Is there anything you want to know?"

Giorgia looked at him.  "You realize, you're going to die?"

Franz laughed, "Of course, I do."

Giorgia stared at him, shocked.  "Then why..?"

Franz sighed.  "I had a family too, you know?  I wouldn't expect you to understand.  My two sons were in the army and they died.  My wife had cancer, she died 3 years ago.  Then your father, succesful man, don't get me wrong, he was good, however, like I've been telling you, became wea-"

"Did he...did he love me?"

"Your father?  Of course.  Too the point of...what is the word...well, the point was, he cared for you a lot."

"Why did kill him?"

"Did you not listen at all?  Ptsch.  Children.  I was angry. I could not see.  I was blind.  My family, gone.  Your father, being high and mighty and proud with his...half breed family."

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine was in the van; while waiting his cell had gone off, the director had informed him that he was dispatching several more handlers and their little assassins to the mission. He didn't agree with it, he knew how dangerous this enemy was and he was completely against the usage of any else, in fact, for him he was merely using the outside force to raw attention away from the 'real' threat.

"Ready," He heard Guiseppe say as Henrietta and the others got on board. "The others were recalled from other missions and have already made it to the propane factory, but they are staying in hiding and waiting."

Ryoshine nodded. "No problem," he said and started the van up. Soon the gruop was making their way to the factory, for Ryoshine he knew there would be death's during the battle... he just didn't know 'how' many.

Director of Music:
Franz continued to speak, in English.  "Why half-breed?"  That is the one thing I cannot understand about your vater.  Tall, charming, intelligent, a pefect model of a Deutch officer.  But he goes off, and marries YOUR mother."  Franz stood up and crouched next to Giorgia hand on her chin.  "You look like her.  You know, your mother.  I used to hate you for that.  Loathe you.  But I think I can grasp why your father married her.  Although you are full Italian, you still somehow have his eyes.  Maybe it was because through all these years you've been with him?  I do not know.  But tell me, Kretschmann.  Why do I not see any hate in your eyes?  Just a few days ago, you were ready to kill me- to avenge your father."

Giorgia replied, staring at his eyes, "I just do not remember.  I will tell you one thing, Herr Bietrich.  You might have killed someone who is very dear to me, but because of that, I had to grow up quickly.  When you told me what happened that night, I realized it was luck that I was not dead.  If it was just him that you kil-"

Franz actually laughed.  "Killed just your father, Kretschmann?  No, I have killed hundereds more.  I am a murderer.  Much assasin.  However, I am still an officer in the Deutch army."

"Then the people you killled...were they all..."

"Half-breeds?  No.  Corrupt Germans, too.  I am helping the world.  Making it a better place."

"Killing people doesn't help a thing."

"So righteous.  These were convicted men.  It was my duty to kill them."  He threw his hands to the side.

"Then why aren't you killing me?  I am the daughter of a "weak" Deutch Lietuneant."

Franz grimaced, and turned his back on her.  "That was...originally the plan.  Never once had I backed out.  It is different now.  You want a better reason, I suppose?  Your father was a friend.  A good friend.  I think he would want someone alive in his family.  Better?"  He turned around again.  He walked around the table and crouched near her.  "I will not let your men take me alive. I'm going to kill myself.  You understand?  Do not try to stop me.  My fate is the same either way.  But I would like to go out with some pride left in me."  He smirked, "Yes, I suppose it's too much to ask for, as a murderer, but as an Officer, it is not.  Once your men come, I want to see if your leader keeps his word.  If he does, you go free, I die.  If he doesn't, you go free, I die."

Giorgia sat, amazed at this man.  Amazed at how simply he put it.  Although this man had killed her father and her mother, and hundereds of others, she could not...bring herself to hate the man.  She felt sorrow and pity.  She gazed into his light blue eyes, the German uniform tucked neatly in, the blonde hair slicked back.  Shehugged him.

Franz was taken aback.  He gently pushed her away.  "I apologize for taking your father away.  That is the first time I've apolgized for killing."  He smiled ironically. "  I suppose I wanted him to feel the pain of loosing a family." He stood up.  He looked out the window.  "It seems they are already here."  He looked at Giorgia and motioned for her to come over.  He smirked slightly, "Play along with me, won't you? You'll go free soon."  Franz picked up his gun, 'gently' put an arm around Giorgia, but from someone else's view, it looked like he was gripping her firmly, and walked out the door.  With the other hand, took the gun out and placed it on her head.

Kasawa Lanford:
As the van rolled up, the hairs on the back of Ryoshine's neck rose up. It was the sign that something 'else' was going on, he wondered if this 'Franz' person was even aware.

"What's wrong?" Guiseppe asked as he opened the door, and turned to Ryoshine. "I don't know, call it a gut feeling but something just seem's way off with all this.."

"You're right," Guiseppe said and walked over to the drivers side and whispered into Ryoshine's ear. ~"Usually the director wouldn't authorize this, if one of our assassins vanished we'd go in and take them out so that there wasn't any fear of anyone finding out our secrets... but something 'else' is indeed goinbg on"~

That didn't help calm his nerves, knowing that the director had rarely authorized a rescue operation made this all the more dangerious. As Henrietta, Rico and Triela got out of the van and armed themselves, the other handlers soon arrived and were told where to position themselves. Ryoshine took the canister that was packed between the driver and passenger side seats, he had switched the labels with a canister that had regular sleeping gas, he knew that because the canister didn't look tampered with, nor did the label appear to be 'replaced' he knew the man wouldn't be the wiser. On the front was the letters of the virus he had created, along with a bio-hazard warning label, the label was in various languages.

He holstered his side arm. "Rico, keep an eye on Ryoshine," Jean said as Ryoshine walked away and toward the factory. In the distance he thought he heard the tall tale sound of a helocopter, but when the noise dissipated he figured it was just his imagenation.

Walking up toward the factory, he soon spotted Giorgia, and the man he presumed to be Franz. He looked at Giorgia, then at Franz but didn't say a word, waiting instead for Franz to initiate diologue.


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