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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Director of Music:
Before going any closer to Ryoshine, he muttered, his lips not moving, "Tat mindestens wenig ängstlichwille Sie?"  Adjusting his grip on Giorgia, the gun still cocked to her head.  He made his way foward, 'roughly' pushing Giorgia along.  He smirked, "Ah, Mr. Yamatono."  He gestured to Ryoshine's group.  "I see you've brought people along with you."  His blue eyes scanned the group.  Each man was with a young girl.  Ryoshine was the only one without one.I Giorgia is his...  "No matter, I suppose.  Since I have brought my men also.  Now if you'll kindly hand over what you have in your hands, sir."  Franz calmly said.
Nearby, Wilm was watching the exchange.  However, what he saw in Franz was different.  The way he was acting...everything was so unlike Franz.  He knew Ryoshine and them wouldn't know the difference since it was their first time in contact with him.
Franz saw Wilm.  He smiled slightly.  "Hallo, Wilm.  It has been quite sometime, hasn't it?"  Unlike Franz, Wilm looked worn out, tired, and angry.  Wilm had no choice but to step foward.  "Ja."   Hosenfeld's eyes narrowed at Franz. 

"Why so angry, friend?  And are we on last name terms, now?  I am mere-"

"Do not call me friend, Bietrich."

Franz lightly shrugged.  "Understandable.  Just being courteous.  He turned his attention back to Ryoshine.
Giorgia was tense.  She had a slight feeling that Mr. Ryoshine wouldn't give Franz what he wanted.  But to Franz, she knew, it wouldn't matter.  He was just merely making an act.  An act for his death.  She had wondered why he had worn his full German uniform.  And now she realized it.  Like her father, who had known that maybe he would die, he had put it on as burial clothing.  Her father wasn't afraid of death, he was embracing it.  Franz was merely playing with Ryoshine and them.  His easy smile, his relaxed demanor.  He had things under control, but Giorgia knew that somehow things might change very quickly.


*Act a little afraid will you?

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine smiled and set the canister on the ground. "Explain it to me, why are you so interested in this?" he asked and tapped the canister with his foot.

In a building across from the factory, Rico sighted down the scope of her sniper rifle. She stealthy removed two of Franz's own snipers with silent shots to the head, utilizing loud boom of a near by sonic jet to drown out the sound of rifle going off. Now she sighted on Franz, but she had orders not to shoot unless Giorgia was out of the way.

For Ryoshine, he just waited on Franz reply.

Director of Music:
Franz smiled slightly.  "Tsk.  You gave it away quite easily.  No hesitation..hmmm."  Bietrich peered into the other man's eyes.  "My business is nothing for you to worry about, sir.  However, I see how you play.  No matter."  He tapped Giorgia on the shoulder.  "Kretschmann, you are free to go."  He withdrew the gun from her and placed it on his own head.

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshone's eyes narrowed at this display. "Taking your own life, for what purpose?" he said curiously and beckoned for Giorgia to walk over to him.

In the building Rico was getting nervous, everything she had been taught came back and told her that something big was about to happen.

Director of Music:
Giorgia walked over cautiously, watching Franz.  The man was smiling.

"What do you care what I do?  Do you honestly think I'd let your men take me alive?"  He jammed the gun to his head and was about to pull the trigger when Giorgia yelled out- "Wartezeit"

Franz glanced tiredly at the young girl.  "Ich habe Ihnen bereits erklärt daß, mich nicht versuchen Sie und stoppen Sie.  Jedoch muß ich beharren, daß Sie nicht dieses aufpassen. Es ist nicht angebracht für Augen solche Junge wie Ihr zu sehen."

"Ich habe bereits schlechteres gesehen."

* I already told you not to stop me.However, I must insist that you not watch this.  It is not appropriate for eyes such young as yours to see.
*I have already seen worse.


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