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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine shook his head, Henrietta and Triela looked on and wondered why he didn't appear concerned. A shot in the distance suddenly rang out, and a bullet sped past Ryoshine head and into Franz gun, shattering it into several peices. "I'm sorry, but I can't allow you to die..." Ryoshine said, still standing there as if nothing had happened.

Director of Music:
Franz slowly turned his head toward Ryoshine.  "And why..." He spat, "Is that?"  "I am willing to take my life, so you von't have any trouble vith me, and you shatter my gun.  Vhat kind of thinking iz zat?!"

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine shook his head, "if you want to die that's your problem, but consider the consequences of your actions if you 'do' go through with it." he said and turned his back to Franz. "You caused me trouble by kidnapping Giorgia," he said before lowering his voice to a mere whisper, "although you did expose a weakness..." he said softly before hearing something in the distance, he turned his head toward the west before narrowing his eyes. "I don't suppose you own any bombers right?" he asked Franz.

Director of Music:
Franz laughed.  "Veakness?  Vhat weakness?  Bombers?  Vhat bombers?  I thought they were yours."

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine looked at Franz before looking at Wilm. "They aren't yours are they?" he asked the man. Guiseppe was getting very nervous, and for once Hillshire looked scared.


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