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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Kasawa Lanford:
As they approuched the agency, a guard came from the main gate. "I won't even 'begin' to imagen what the hell happened," he said when he noticed the condition of the van. "The director is in an emergency meeting and wants everyone there, including our resident cyborgs," the guard said before noticing Franz. "What about him?"

"He seems to not have any connection, but..." Ryoshine said and the guard nodded. "I'll let my boys know and they'll keep tabs on him," the guard said before opening the gate and allowing the van through. They drove up to the cyborg dorm, "Henrietta, Triela, get yourselves dressed and cleaned up report to the director," Ryoshine said, they looke at their handlers who nodded they then took off. "Giorgia wake up!" Ryoshine said as he opened the door. "Head to your room, get cleaned up and go with Henrietta to the directors office," he said, Henrietta upon hearing her name stayed behind to make sure Giorgia understood.

Hillshire and Guiseppe both got out, "hey! wake up!" Hillshire said to Franz.

Director of Music:
Giorgia and Franz woke up, almost immediately.  Giorgia nodded and looked at Franz.  He patted her shoulder and got out as well.  Giorgia followed Henrietta out and went to her dorm.

Franz brushed back his hair, his blue eyes scanning the scene.

Kasawa Lanford:
Hillshire didn't like the man, and for good reason. "You'll be watched around the clock, don't do anything stupid," he said and gestured for the man to follow him.

In the mean time Jean took the van and went over to the main building, he rushed Rico to the doctor who started surgery immidently.

For Ryoshine headed to his office and made several phone calls. "Are you certain?" he said in one of the calls

~Damn certain, something spooked in-ops and they dispatched bombers to the city... the country is taking heat for that bombing but we aren't aware of any deaths though that may have resulted... but.... it was a civiilian city..~ the man on the other end said sorrowfully.

He grumbled. "What about the president?"

~Dead.... he was assassinated last night~

Again he grumbled. "Ok... vice president?"

~Same... someone had this all planned out, an investigation claims that there were children in the area when the assassinations occured. I don't know of 'any' organization that uses children for assassinations but there 'are' rumor though..~

"Save the rumors, unless there are facts. Send me a fax with the current situation in America.." Ryoshine said, in the background he could hear a fax machine running, soon his own fax machine beeped and several papers were printed.

~Hope that helps you, I need to get off..~ the man said and hung up.

Ryoshine looked at the papers, he was shocked to find that some of the intelligence that the Americans had been receving hinted at their organization. "Terrorists.... huh... something even 'bigger' is going on..." he said and placed the papers in a folder and made his way to the directors office.

Director of Music:
Franz shrugged carelessly, following Hillshire.  As long as he hadn't been well, 'captured' by them, he was perfectly fine.  He still had a thought of ending his life, but he wanted to see how things turned out.

Giorgia and Henrietta scrambled into the office, out of breath.

Kasawa Lanford:
Triela was standing near the window, her Guiseppe was already there and looking at the reports that had been glowing in. "Twelve dead...." he said to no one particuler. "Katherine, Anise, Johnathan, Lucres.... and also their handlers, Markes, Lavality, Wilcote, and Lern..." he shook his head, "all good people to, damn it..."

Ryoshine sighed. "At least we are certain that something 'bigger' is going on though," he said and continued to wait. "You sure about bringing that terrorist in here?"

"Franz? hmm... he didn't authorize the bombing, that much I know... so I feel its fine for him to be here, besides all his men are most likely dead so I doubt we'll have any problems to worry about, also hes on a short leash so...." Ryoshine said, the director cleared his throat. "Still though, we handle him with caution, I'm only allowing him to be included because he 'might' have information that we can use."

The director clasped his hands. "One thing I DO know is that we'll be sending you guys out to America to investigate," the director said, Ryoshine groaned. "But, lets wait until everyone is here..." the director said.


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