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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Director of Music:
Once Hillshire took Franz to the room he would be staying in, he left two guards with him.  There was no way he was allowing this German terrorist into the meeting.  He left quickly afterwards.  As Franz sat down, the guards immediately stiffened up. 

Hmmm...must be their first week on the job...and I want to see Giorgia's maybe...

"Gentlemen!" He smiled cordially.  "First week on the job?"

One guard answered immediately.  "Yeah, it's a rea-"  The second guard jabbed the first in the ribs.  Franz stood up and put his arms around the two guards.  "I understand, completely, don't worry about it, I won't try anything."  The two guards looked at each other and relaxed.  The first brought a drink out and said, "Ya want some er...."
"Franz Bietrich"
"Ah! Thanks man, Ya want some Mr. Bietrich?"
"Certaintly.  Thank you."  They poured him a drink, but he didn't touch it.  While the other two slowly turned into a giddy mood, Franz striked.  "Would you boys mind taking me to ah.. Giorgia Kretschmann's room?"

"Well, sure! We'd be honored too Mr. Bietrich."

The guards led Franz to Giorgia's room.  Franz quietly opened the door.  He walked around cautiously.  And then spotted the picture on the dresser.

Kasawa Lanford:
Once Hillshire was in the directors office, the meeting commenced.

"America?" One of the other handlers asked, he was bandaged and bruised and his charge wasn't with him. "I don't believe it.." he said and crossed his arms, or rather, crossed them as far as he could without causing much pain.

"Whether we like it or not, the bombers were American," Ryoshine said and dropped a photo, "Rico managed to take this shot before a bomb hit near by, I understand it almost killed her." He said and looked at Jean who nodded, "almost, luckily she was behind something that shielded her from 'most' of the impact," he said and looked at the photo.

The photo was that of a low flying B-52, but also in the photo were various older fighters, like the BF-109, Spitfire, Hurricane and the Japanese Zero. "This confirms it wasn't 'completely' America that attacked us, they would use jet fighters not older air craft," Ryoshine said before another man talked, "unless they did this to throw us off.."

The group lay quiet for some time before a young woman broke the silence. "So, what are we going to do?"

"I'm going to send Guiseppe, Jean and Ryoshine to America. I want Hillshire to stay and look into matters here," the director said.

"We have a problem though, most American children are in school, and our charges are children after all..." Ryoshine said and folded his arms. "We won't be able to get away with them just walking around unless we use a lie that we are homeschooling them."

Jean nodded. "Yes... although it might be best to put one in school and leave the other two out, perhaps in an effort to 'hopefully' find out more information. After all, American children like gossip and rumors, even the elementary students, so who knows, we might even find an answer to our growing questions."

"Yea.... but who will we put through that stuff?" Guiseppe asked. "Henrietta and Giorgia are still getting used to this place-"

"We'll put Rico through it, unlike those two, she came here willingly." The director said, his voice was low enough to where only the handlers heard him. "You'll leave once she's better,"

"It'll be at least two weeks, perhaps one depending on what the doctor says," Jean said and folded his arms.

The director sighed. "Ok.... Guiseppe, Ryoshine, take your charges and train them further. I want them ready for their big 'trip' to America. Jean, once Rico gets better instruct her on American society."

"I'll help with that, the Italian military had me in America for a few months learning how to dispose of bombs," Ryoshine said, the director nodded. "Very well, dismissed."

Director of Music:
Franz gently picked up the photograph and couldn't help but sigh.  It was Thomas, holding up a wine glass, toasting.  What were you toasting for, Kretschmann?  The good health of your family?  The long life of your child?  What was it?  His blue eyes scanned the photograph and his eyes landed on the eyes of the Lt.  Strong, yet gentle.  Almost a carefree look.  The Lt had a geniune smile on his face.  Much like those when he was out with Franz and Wilm.  Franz tried to justify what he did. You were WEAK!  A WEAK German!  You didn't give a damn when my sons died! Said "It was their time"  Screw that!."  He gripped the photograph.  With his free hand, he took out his wallet and took a different picture out.  It was a picture of Thomas, Wilm, and Franz, their arms wrapped on each other's shoulders.  They were smiling.  Pure carefree smiles.  Franz hadn't had those smiles in a very long time.  Neither had Wilm.
I haven't forgotten, Thomas.
He slowly walked back out of the room, placing his photo back in his wallet and leaving the other back where it was.  He absentmindly smoothed his hair back and straightened his uniform out.  The two guards escorted him out and were in a good mood.  Franz didn't want any part in their good jest.  He went back into his room, and leaned against his bunk.
Giorgia waited until the room was all cleared out except for Ryoshine and herself.  She looked him in the eye and asked with all seriousness, "Fra-...Mr.Bietrich won't die, will he?"

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine was curious at the question - she showed affection and worry for someone who she shouldn't have. "As long as he doesn't do anything to harm you or the agency.... then he'll be fine," Ryoshine said and stuffed his hands into his pocket. "You've been through a lot for one day, go and get checked up on by the doctor ok?"

Director of Music:
"Yes sir."  She said and quickly went out.
 On her way to the doctor, she passed by Franz's room.  His door was slightly ajar and she saw him leaning on his bed.  His eyes were closed and he looked like he was sleeping.  Giorgia stopped their for a moment, gazing at him.  Then she went to get checked up by the doctor.


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