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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Kasawa Lanford:
Claes had been watering the garden when she noticed Henrietta and Triela. "Morning you t-" she said before noticing Giorgia. "Ahhh.. and who do we have here?" She asked, holding the water bucket in one hand and a scope in the other.

Director of Music:
Giorgia looked up to see a 4th join the group.  She smiled again and greeted her.

"Hallo.  I'm Giorgia."

Kasawa Lanford:
Claes smiled. "My name is Claes, nice to meet you. Do you like flowers by chance?" she asked.

Director of Music:
Giorgia blushed slightly. "Ah..erm...n-not...not really. I prefer..." At this, Giorgia frowned slightly.  "I-I don't know actually..."

Kasawa Lanford:
"I see..." Claes said, watering some flowers. "But you might never know unless you try eh?" she said to the girl before looking at Henrietta and Triela. "You two joining us?"

"Nope, we are on the range this morning.." Triela said and turned toward the building. "Might be worth asking your brother if you can join us, Giorgia-" she said before Henrietta elbowed her in the side. "She can't, not until her brother explains a few things, remember?" Henrietta said. "Oh.. right..." Triela sighed before the two took off.

"If you want, I think I know where your brother is, did you want to stay here and tend to the garden for a few or shall we try and find your brother?" Claes asked.


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