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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Director of Music:
"No." She replied, a little too quickly.  She jumped off the chair but the doctor was motioning her to sit back down.  She did so.

"Really.  There isn't anything."

The doctor looked her straight in the eyes.  "What did Mr.Bietrich tell you about your father?"

"Erm.  Italian man...?"

The doctor frowned.  "Not him."

"Oh...he said he was a German officer."
The doctor raised his eyebrows.

"..And he was his friend."

Kasawa Lanford:
"I see...." the doctor said.

The girl behind shook her head. This'll be more trouble than its worth... why the heck is Ryoshine... err...

Director of Music:
Giorgia said calmly, "Is that all, sir?  May I leave now?"

The doctor nodded absently. He'd have Ryoshine talk to her.  He'd probably be able to get more out of her.

Giorgia ran out, stopping at Franz's door and slid a note under the door that she had scribbled on her way.  She then headed toward her room.

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine had gone to the medical room to look after Rico while Jean was busy getting things set up. Most of Rico's wounds were easy to 'fix' but some required some creative methods.

"How is she nurse?" Ryoshine asked. "Rico's doing fine, her blood preassure is a bit high, and she's apperently dreaming..." the nurse said, noting the tears running down Rico's face. "They rarely dream, but when they do its sometimes pleasant... but other times its a nightmare..."

He nodded. "How long do you figure she'll be in here?"

"That's Jeans call... but physically she should be fine by tomorrow afteroon, late early morning the day after.." she said.

Ryoshine sighed. "very well, keep Jean appraised of her condition."

"We always do," the nurse smiled.

Director of Music:
Franz opened his eyes to see a note being slipped under his doorway.  His two 'guards' were sleeping and he smiled.  He walked over and picked the note up:

Gerade falls jemand anderes dieses anstelle von Ihnen empfängt, habe ich dieses auf Deutsch geschrieben, wie Sie sehen können. Herr Franz, lassen sie mich nicht nahe Ihnen. Aber ich möchte nicht hervorquellen....I möchte nicht Sie verlieren. Jedoch Übel oder Schlechtes sind Sie vom Töten meines Vaters...., das Sie auch die einzige Verbindung sind, ich er muß. Ich hoffe, daß Sie verstehen. Ich passe rüber Sie Herr Franz auf, verspreche ich, daß ich werde. - Giorgia

The Major forced a lump down.  Here was a ten year old girl, telling him she'd protect him. after all that he had done to her.  Whispering to himself he said, "Sie sind wirklich Kind Thomas, Giorgia...

*Just in case someone else receives this instead of you, I've written this in German  as you can see.  Mr. Franz, they won't let me near you.  But I don't want to well....I don't want to lose you.  However evil or bad you are from killing my father .... you are also the only link I have to him.  I hope you understand.  I'll watch over you Mr. Franz, I promise I will.

*You are truly Thomas's child, Giorgia...


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