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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Kasawa Lanford:
"I'll be interrogating you later, but your presence here only hinders her ability to do her job," he said harshly at Franz.

He then noticed that neither of his guards were with him. "You knock out your guards so you can come in here unannounced?" he said and placed himself between Giorgia and Franz, his hand was to his side, but close to his concealed glock.

Director of Music:
Franz shrugged.  I did not knock them out at all.  They had a drink or two.  Apparently, your men can't handle alcohol as well as us Germans."  He smirked and then looked over at Giorgia.  His eyes softened.

"Giorgia...., wie Sie diesen Mann STEHEN können?"

Giorgia still not sure how to answer, but had seen the glock in Ryoshine's possesion.

"Erm... Herr Franz.... Sie wissen...

"Daß er eine Waffe von mir versteckt? Ja Giorgia, weiß ich.  Ich tadele ihn nicht. Ich soll nicht vertraut werden."

Turning to look at Ryoshine, his eyes hardened.  "Interrogate me now.  Then afterwards you have your answers, you won't give a damn if I shoot myself or die herorically, or die like some scum."

*Giorgia how can you STAND this man?
*Erm...Mr. do know...
*That he is hiding a weapon from me?  yes Giorgia, I know.  I do not blame him.  I am not to be trusted.

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine was angered that the two men assigned to keep him in his room had been drinking, he made a mentle note to look into that. "Very well," he said and motioned for the door. "Follow me then, but don't anything stupid," he said and walked toward the door. "Stay here Giorgia," he said to her and left.

Director of Music:
Franz shrugged.  "Certaintly."  He looked back at Giorgia

"Mach's gut, kleines."  and handed her a note.

As Franz followed Ryoshine and closed the door, Giorgia opened the note.

Es gab etwas.... Ich erklärte Ihnen nicht. Ich konnte nicht, zu und anfangs, ich verärgert wurde. Aber jetzt... Ich erkläre Ihnen froh. Giorgia... Ihr Vater sagte das, wenn alles ihm geschah, das, das Sie in meine Obacht gelegt würden. Um Sachen einfach zu setzen, bin ich Ihr Pate. Jedoch verstehe ich, daß Sie nicht mich wünschen können. Die eine Sache bleibt dieselbe. Ich tötete Ihren Vater. Und ich glaube wirklich remorse für den. Ich wünsche Sie wissen, das, das ich um Sie mich kümmere. Sie sind wirklich Tochter Thomas.- Franz

*Take care, little one

*There was something .... I did not tell you.  I did not know how to , and at first , I was angered.  But now ... I will gladly tell you.  Giorgia ...your father said that if anything happened to him , that you would be placed in my care.
To put things simply , I am your godfather.  However, I understand that you may not want me.  The one thing does remain the same.  I DID kill your father.  And I actually feel remorse for that.  I want you to know, that I WILL look after you.  You are truly Thomas's daughter.

Kasawa Lanford:
"Take a seat," Ryoshine said as he closed the door behind them. The interrogation room had a window that was one way, meaning people on the other end could see into the room, but they couldn't see through it.

As he waited he walked around the room, constantly eyeing Franz and wondering just how to start off with the interrogation, should he be soft and just ask question, or be rough and physical about it.... he just couldn't make up his mind.


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