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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine scowled. "Yes... remind her is correct.. and each reminder kills her further, something people like you don't understand," he said and turned away from the man and walked over to the window. "What are your connections to the German terrorist organizations? How'd you get access to the H2B9?! How'd you even know of its existence?!" He raised his voice and turned and pounded his right hand on the table, ignoring the pain that shot through it.

Director of Music:
"Patience, sir. I'll answer all your questions.  Terrorist organizations?"  He laughed bitterly.  "You think for one second, that I was a part of all that?  Certaintly, I have connections to them, but I hardly use them.  They are so...inferior.  How did I get access?  Like I said, 'Connections.'"  He smiled alludingly.

Kasawa Lanford:
"Connections my rear," Ryoshine said. "You know nothing of what it does, yet you still desired it?" 

Director of Music:
"Of course." He stated.  "Such a virus...hmmm I rather, envied you for creating it."  He tilted his head in Ryoshine's direction.  Then, studies his hand, which had scars all over it.

Kasawa Lanford:
"envied... eh?" he said and turned away. "And yet, you have no idea what the virus would actually 'do' if mishandled?"


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