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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Director of Music:
Franz laughed.  "No, I do not.  But what did it matter?  I was a dead man anyways."  Looking at Ryoshine's expression, Franz sighed.  "I told you, I was ready to go. But YOU" he gritted his teeth.  "You got one of your men to break  my gun."

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine grin broadly. "thats true, my man did.." he said, even though technically it was a girl not a man who shot the gun out of his hands, but that small detail he could leave out. "if you want to kill yourself thats fine, but do it away from the eyes of children...." he said.

Director of Music:
Franz rolled his eyes.  "As you wish.  Although, I do not know why you're smiling.  You want me dead, don't you? And yet you're smiling because your man prevented me from shooting myself in the head."

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine's smiled turned. He walked over toward the door and stopped, taking his glock out of its holster. "With all your 'connections' you should know about my service record, aye?"

Director of Music:
Franz arched his eyebrows.  "Nein.  I preferred not to look into you."  Franz smiled pitifully at the glock.  "What are you going to do, kill me?"


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