AuthorTopic: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined  (Read 121118 times)

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #260 on: August 17 2007, 02:55 pm »
In his office, Ryoshine was checking Franz's background, he had heard of several things about the man, but was amazed that the agency's intelligence network had so much information on him, just that getting to it required permission from the director.

"Huh..." he said as he strolled through the information.

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #261 on: August 17 2007, 02:58 pm »
Franz drifted on and off of sleep, his dreams were deep and troubling.  And yet, through the chaos of it all, the one helping him make sense of everything was Giorgia...

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #262 on: August 17 2007, 03:28 pm »
Ryoshine awoke the next morning, he had fallen asleep at the keyboard of his computer. "Errr....." he grumbled, he wasn't expecting to just doze off like that.

He steached his arms and walked over to the window; it was very windy and rain was falling hard. Numerious bolts of lightning lit up the sky in all directions, he knew right then and there that no one would be training today, for starters the lightning was a combination of red, blue and white. He knew from personnel experience that while white lightning was common, red was just as dangerous as it almost always went out a metal object - and their guns were metal.

After thinking it over he decided that he would have Giorgia train in the armory. "Well, guess I'll have breakfast first," he said. Before leaving though he called up Guiseppe and asked him if he could have Henrietta and Triela keep an eye on Giorgia, more so for her protection from Franz.

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #263 on: August 17 2007, 03:31 pm »
Giorgia got up and changed and opened her door.  Startled, she saw Henrietta and Triela there.  They smiled and said, "Ryoshine will meet you in the armory.  We can get breakfast and go there together."

She nodded.  She figured why this was happening.  It was all for her to get away from Franz.  Soon enough they arrived at the armory, Ryoshine waiting.
Franz had just woken up as his guards escorted him to the cafeteria.

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #264 on: August 17 2007, 03:51 pm »
Ryoshine was leaning up against the wall; his eyes closed and in concentration. He felt a vibration from the wall and opened his eyes, on the far end of the armory he saw Giorgia, along with Henrietta and Triela and their handlers.

The building shook slightly when thunder rolled across the sky outside. Huh... mother nature really has it in for us... he said before pushing off the wall and walking toward Giorgia. "Today you're going to fire at several targets from different ranges, your goal is to hit the center at all ranges," he said to Giorgia. "You understand right?"

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #265 on: August 17 2007, 03:57 pm »
She nodded, "Yes." She replied, not making complete eye contact.  She grabbed her gun and went on to the first target.  She got the first few well, but then she started making mistakes.
Franz looked at his two guards.  "Will you gentlemen escort me around the building?"

The guards looked at each other.  "We really aren't supposed to take you any where else really...."

"I won't try anything." Franz replied, his blue eyes looking directly into the first guard's eyes.

"I'm sorry sir but, we don't trust you."

"That's understandable of course, I just want to walk around, you know.  Stretch my legs.."

With the guards on either side of him, Franz walked back down to another hallway.  He then saw an armory.  "Hmm." he mused.

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #266 on: August 17 2007, 03:59 pm »
Ryoshine grumbeld. "No no no," he said and knelt down and placed his hands gentally on Giorgia, "straight, you're making mistakes that a beginner would make - your not a beginner..." he said, "aim like this and don't squeeze the gun so hard."

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #267 on: August 17 2007, 04:04 pm »
She nodded, completely frustrated at the fact she couldn't hit it.   It was just then that Franz walked in.  Ignoring a ferocious glare from Ryoshine who was about to speak, Franz stood behind Giorgia, his hands behind his back.  "Gutenmorgen, Giorgia. Halten Sie Ihre Hand unveränderlich. Gleicher unten zur Augenhöhe und greifen nicht so fest. Dauern Sie Ihre Zeit. Aber seien Sie exakt."  Although Franz hadn't changed clothing, he looked very alert and very well dressed in his uniform.

Giorgia nodded, not comphrending who had told her what to do.

She mumbled, "Hand steady....eye level...not so hard grip...precise...time..."

*Good morning , Giorgia.   Hold your hand steady.  Peer down to eye level , and don't grip so tightly.  Take your time.  But be precise.

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #268 on: August 17 2007, 04:09 pm »
Henrietta repeated what Franz said, in english for Ryoshine's clarification. For his part, he grinned at Franz, but he was amazed that Giorgia was a bit better now. "Not bad, but your still missing," he said to her, "try harder.

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #269 on: August 17 2007, 04:16 pm »
Giorgia, completely lost in her own world, kept shooting.  And she got better each time. Behind her, Franz showed the slightest hint of a smile.  He walked toward her, his boots gently making a pat pat sound.  He put his hand on Giorgia's shoulders, squaring it some.

Giorgia felt the touch.  It was different from Ryoshine's.  This smell was also different.  A mixture of cigarette and cologne.  She turned almost immediately and almost dropped her gun in surprise.

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #270 on: August 17 2007, 04:18 pm »
Henrietta shook her head; it was something that you weren't suppose to do. Ryoshine turned and wrenched the gun out of Giorgia's hands, "let your guard down and you'll be killed, smells, sounds, sights, you have to think only of your target and not of what's around you 'except' other targets and those you are protecting!" he shouted.

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #271 on: August 17 2007, 04:21 pm »
Giorgia flinched.  "S-ssorry. Won't happen again."  She avoided looking at Franz.

Franz watched, carefully.  She's in young...yet so many burdens...  His blue eyes knowingly was familiar with that look of pain.  He backed up and sat down.

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #272 on: August 17 2007, 04:24 pm »
Ryoshine twirled the gun with his finger and ejected the clip and looked at the rounds. "Refill it like I showed you, then disassemble the pistol and reassemble it, once you've done that you can go back to firing at the targets," he said and looked at Franz. Ryoshine's expression changed just slightly, he still didn't like the man, but he was beginning to wonder if it was possible for him to help in turning Giorgia into the greatest assassin the agency has ever known.

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #273 on: August 17 2007, 04:28 pm »
Giorgia did as she was told, anxious however.  She had refilled it and dissembled and reasemmbled the gun.

Franz carefully walked over to her again.  In his soft yet deep voice he said, "Atmen Sie Giorgia. Atmen Sie. Ruhe unten.  Es ist gut."

Almost immediately, Giorgia's breathing shallowed out, and she was able to hit the targets right in the center.

*Breathe Giorgia.  Breathe.  Calm down.  It's alright

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #274 on: August 17 2007, 04:43 pm »
Again, Henrietta translated. Ryoshine just watched as her aiming improved slightly, but it wasn't that that got his attention, it was a strange thundering roar outside.

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #275 on: August 17 2007, 04:46 pm »
Franz heard it too, as he straightened up.  His forehead wrinkled up, and a frown was clearly shown on his face.  He walked over to the window.

"Jesus Christ."

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #276 on: August 17 2007, 04:54 pm »
"The walls are reinforced-" he said before Guiseppe cut him off, "yea but they aren't rated for tornado's since we never HAD one here!" he said as the twister barreled down onto the armory. Ryoshine moved and covered Giorgia, Guiseppe and Hillshire did the same to their charges.

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #277 on: August 17 2007, 05:00 pm »
Franz crouched and put an arm over his head.  Pieces of debris rammed into him as he tried very hard not to topple over.  As soon as it came though, it was gone.  The armory however, was still partly there miracously.

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #278 on: August 17 2007, 05:16 pm »
Glass littered the ground, guns and ammo had been tossed all over the place - one rifle had its barrel embedded into the wall, a testament to just how fast the tornado was turning. "Looks like the worst is over..." Guiseppe said as he got up. "someone up stairs hates us today..."

"Yea.." Ryoshine said. "Everyone ok?" he shouted, Hillshire and Triela nodded, Henrietta had a cut across her face but was other-wise ok.

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Re: Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined
« Reply #279 on: August 17 2007, 05:19 pm »
Franz shook off most of the debris and realized that a piece of wood was stuck in him.  Not changing a feature on his face, he pulled it out and put his hair back.

Giorgia stood up, unharmed also.  She was a little scratched up, but was fine.