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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Director of Music:
Franz heard it too, as he straightened up.  His forehead wrinkled up, and a frown was clearly shown on his face.  He walked over to the window.

"Jesus Christ."

Kasawa Lanford:
"The walls are reinforced-" he said before Guiseppe cut him off, "yea but they aren't rated for tornado's since we never HAD one here!" he said as the twister barreled down onto the armory. Ryoshine moved and covered Giorgia, Guiseppe and Hillshire did the same to their charges.

Director of Music:
Franz crouched and put an arm over his head.  Pieces of debris rammed into him as he tried very hard not to topple over.  As soon as it came though, it was gone.  The armory however, was still partly there miracously.

Kasawa Lanford:
Glass littered the ground, guns and ammo had been tossed all over the place - one rifle had its barrel embedded into the wall, a testament to just how fast the tornado was turning. "Looks like the worst is over..." Guiseppe said as he got up. "someone up stairs hates us today..."

"Yea.." Ryoshine said. "Everyone ok?" he shouted, Hillshire and Triela nodded, Henrietta had a cut across her face but was other-wise ok.

Director of Music:
Franz shook off most of the debris and realized that a piece of wood was stuck in him.  Not changing a feature on his face, he pulled it out and put his hair back.

Giorgia stood up, unharmed also.  She was a little scratched up, but was fine.


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