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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Director of Music:
Franz stayed silent the whole way.  His pace was brisk, as he saw the back of Ryoshine's head.  It didn't show much, but Franz knew his image of himself was changing to the other man's eyes.

Giorgia kept checking behind her every once in a while to check if he really WAS there.  That it just wasn't her eyes playing tricks on her.  And he was there, every time, smiling at her.  And each time, Giorgia's eyes would light  up and she returned a small smile.

Soon enough, they arrived at the garage, which was alright in a sense, but had stuff knocked down and scattered all over from the walls.

Kasawa Lanford:
"Hmm... seems nothing is broken persay..." Ryoshine said and walked between the various expensive cars, some did have cracks in the windows, his own lambordine had a crack in its window which made him grumble. "Well that'll be a nine hundred thousand dollar repair bill..." he said.

Director of Music:
Franz walked over and surrveyed Ryoshine's lamborgini. 

"Hmm"  He murmured.  "I can fix that, if you want.  Although.." He laced on some real seriousness.  "I don't know if you want some piece of German filth touching your car."

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine stared at his car. "At this point in time I don't care if your filth, scum, a roach, a spider, or a damn fish! I just want my poor car fixed!" he said and looked at the window, even though it was a very small break, he had spend years saving up his money to get this car and wasn't about to let mother teacher take it away from him.

Director of Music:
Franz snorted.  He examined the car, then walked around the garage for some tools to use.  He grabbed the ones he needed and started to work dilligently on the car.


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