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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine shook his head. "No... you are not a machine.. however you are part of one." He said and looked at a clock on the wall. "You can't be controlled like that clock," he said, although partly lieing. "You are still human, just cybornetic at the same time."

He stood there and stared at her. "Don't think of yourself as anything less, in fact, you can do more than a typical person your age." He said and turned away from her, "Follow me to the armory," he said, he intended to start her off on some gun safety tips, without live ammo of course.

Director of Music:
"Y-yes sir." She said as she obediently followed him out.  As they were walking however, she couldn't help but remember his words.

Don't think of yourself as anything less

She pondered those as they reached the armory.

Kasawa Lanford:
Upon arrival the man behind the window stared at Ryoshine. "You going in?" he asked. "Yes I am," Ryoshine said and heard a buzz as the doors swung open. "Head in then, Giuseppe is already inside." The man said.

Ryoshine nodded and walked through the doors and into the armory, the occastional sound of a gun going off reminded him of his old military days. He only went a short distance in before stopping and turning to look at Giorgia. "Go ahead and come in," he said to her.

Director of Music:
She quickly walked in and stood by his side.  She surveyed her surroundings.  Close by, she saw Henrietta and her brothe Giuseppe practicing.

Kasawa Lanford:
Walking over to the gun cabinent, Ryoshine pulled out a 9mm glock. He cleared the gun, then inserted a clip, and then ejected the clip and cleared it again. He then sat down the bench and removed all the bullets from said clip. "Now, pay close attention what I'm about to tell you." he said and placed the gun to his side.

He went on to explain proper gun safety, about how she should 'never' in any situation aim the gun at herself if the bullet gets jammed. Of course, he knew that she 'might' do it unexpectedly, he was actually counting on that in order to get her to understand, but in another case he hoped it didn't happen. After explaining he clasped his hands and looked at her, "do you understand?" he asked, knowing that she might have a question or two.


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