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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Director of Music:
Franz shrugged as he rubbed his chin.  "I did not expect any less.  I'm not to be trusted." 

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine grinned. "You are right about that, you can't be trusted.. however.. perhaps you can make up for your misdeeds by doing deeds that do grant trust," he said and walked toward the office. "If you want to join me in clearing debris from around the grounds feel free, or you can return to your room, up to you," Ryoshine said, his hand firmly on the door knob.

Director of Music:
Franz smirked back.  "I need something to do.  I'll get out of shape just sitting in my room all day."  He followed Ryoshine and hours later, they had finished.  Both men were completely worn out.

Kasawa Lanford:
In the cafeteria, Ryoshine had gotten himself a salad and loaded it up with everything. Onions, Lettace, tomatos, cheese, etc...

He sat down at a table and poured some salad dressing on his salad and dug in. A cup of coffee to his left and a glass of milk to his right, he watched Franz and wondered what he would be getting.

Director of Music:
Franz surveyed the food around him and just grabbed a cup of coffee.  He sat facing Ryoshine.  He didn't put sugar or anything in his coffee.  Just plain black coffee.


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