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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Kasawa Lanford:
"That's all your having? Huh..." Ryoshine said as he stuffed some lettace into his mouth and began to chew. When he was done he took a sip from his coffee, "these next few days will be rather laid back, but everyone is ready the mission will be rather hectic and tiring.." he said to Franz.

Director of Music:
"Mm.." He took a sip from his coffee.  "When is a mission ever not tiring?"  Another sip, and then, "Excuse me if you will, I'm going to go out for a smoke."

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine blinked. "Smoking is bad for you you know?" he said and watched the man leave. He let out a sigh, "man's going to get lung cancer at that rate..." he said and continued eating

Director of Music:
Franz walked out to the garden, taking in the scenery, his cigarette dangling from his mouth.  He inhaled and let it out.

Meanwhile, GIorgia had finished up with Henrietta and them and had gone to the cafeteria.  However, she then spotted Franz out in the garden.  Her hunger vanished.  She went outside.  She shyly walked up behind him and tugged gently on his uniform tail.

Franz turned, his blue eyes landing on Giorgia.  A genuine smile on his face.  "Hallo, Giorgia."  He said softly.

"Hallo, Franz." She replied.  "Thank"

Franz waved his hand.  "Think nothing of it.  It is the least I can do."  Unexpectedly, Franz kneeled down and hugged Giorgia, pressing her to him.  Giorgia tensened up at first, but then relaxed, welcoming the hug.   After a few moments, Franz let go, and put out his cigarette.  "I promised you I'd watch over you.  And I never break promises."

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine opened the door and wondered outside. "Giorgia, you know your not suppose to eat at this cafeteria, there's one in the cyborg dorm," Ryoshine said with a cup of coffee in his hand.

Some distance away and staring out the window, Hillshire watched with growing annoyance. "Ryoshine is way to soft, if he doesn't get rid of that man soon and recondition Giorgia, that girl will end up protecting Franz more than her handler..." he said


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