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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Kasawa Lanford:
"Well, we have awhile to go, I'll let you handle it," Ryoshine said before taking a seat at his computer. "Best return to your room, get some rest or go to the cafeteria, but I suggest you not be around Giorgia that much. While I might not mind it right now, the others will and they aren't as forgivng as I am," he said.

Director of Music:
Franz shrugged and walked out of the room to his room.  He rummaged through his bag and found some hair dye, contacts, and scissors.  "Best start now.." he murmured to himself.

Kasawa Lanford:
Rico stared at the white ceiling of the infirmary. She had woken up just a few minute's ago, she hada pleasant dream, something she rarely had.

Jean was right next to her, making sure she was ok. "How do you feel?" he asked her. Rico stared at him before looking back at the ceiling, "Ok... I guess..." she said.

"Well, when the doctor clears you we need to talk ok?" he told her, she nodded.

Director of Music:
Franz looked at himself in the mirror.  "Not bad..." He told himself.  He had cut his hair very short, and dyed it a dark brown.  He had also put in green contacts and rimmed glasses on.  Now all he needed was to grow a beard, and when he talked, to have the least accent possible.
Giorgia, exhausted went to her room.  Henrietta with her also.  She and Henrietta had cleaned up all day long but the mess never seemed to have stopped.  She and Henrietta were going to take a short break and go back to clean up, but that didn't happen.  Instead, the two girls fell asleep on Giorgia's bunk.

Kasawa Lanford:
Jean and Hillshire were on the roof of the building, talking to one another when Ryoshine came up. "You trust that man don't you?" Hillshire asked him, referring to Franz.

"I don't trust him as far as I can throw him.. but he has information that we need.." Ryoshine said, placing both hands on the railing and leaning up against it. "Jean, you decided where we are going to go?"

"Jean, a place in Texas... Houston Texas to be exact. There's a crime lord there with connections to some of the local terrorist groups, thought we'd scope him out and then elimanate him." Jean said and looked at the pack of ciggerates he had in his hand. "However, in order to get to him we have to go through his eleven year old daughter, so I'm entering Rico in as a fifth grader as a nearby grade school. I managed to spark a deal with the one in charge to have her placed in the same class."

Ryoshine nodded and continued to listen.

"The young girl is innocent, she's nothing more than just daddy's daughter, probably not even aware of what he is doing - the Americans have been trying hard to bust this guy, we'll do the job for them..." Jean smiled.

"Let's just try and hope that he doesn't use her as a meat shield.." Ryoshine grumbled, recalling a past memory.


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