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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Director of Music:
Franz walked around the grounds now.  Most people nodded to him now, before, they were glaring at him.  He smiled.  "It's working." He said to himself.

Kasawa Lanford:
"So, what do we do about Giorgia?" Hillshire said as he took out a ciggerate and lit it up.

Ryoshine sighed. "What is there to do? She's fine for the moment, although I 'am' worried that her feelings for Franz will get in the way of her job... if it does I will have no choice but to have Franz removed, and to have her reconditions, only far stronger than before."

"Going beyond what I've done to Triela..." Hillshire said.

"Yes... even though it would most likely result in permenant brain damage..." Ryoshine said sadly, he let out another sigh before turning around and staring at the far door. "But, you have to do what you have to do.... if it has to be done.. it'll be done..."

Hillshire nodded.

"How's Rico anyway?" Ryoshine asked, concerned.

Jean smiled. "She's doing fine, from the looks I'm guessing she'll be out sometime tomorrow, perhaps after wards. I'll have her go through training to be a .... 'student' but it won't be that hard since she was a student before coming here, much like Henrietta. In fact, I heard Guiseppe is thinking of also having Henrietta go in as a student at some point although I think it'll be harder since she is more...."

"Cautious... and shy... she's also serious... it'll be difficult for a child assassin to be an elementary student.. even though their education here some-what mimics that..." Ryoshine said and looked at the pack in his hands.

Director of Music:
Giorgia and Henrietta both woke up, yawning.

"Yeesh." replied Henrietta.  "THAT wasn't supposed to happen."

Giorgia gave her a half smile.  "Oh well, I suppose we'll be able to clean up anyways, we just have less time."  The girls went out of the room and went to another room where the mess was still evident.

Kasawa Lanford:
The sky was still breaking apart with rain; more fell in the last hour than in the last ten. "What is going on?" Hillshire asked. "We very rarely get rain like this..."

"Maybe this is a freak thunder storm," Ryoshine shrugged. Hillshire didn't say anything as he took the ciggerate and put it out before walking off the roof. "You coming Ryo?" Jena asked him. "Yea... no use catching a cold out here.." Ryoshine said and followed Jean off the roof to the his office. "You don't have much..." Ryoshine said before noticing a pile of books next to a bed.

"Researching something?" He asked.

"Yea.. the American school system..." Jean said.

Ryoshine grinned. "Good Luck... don't shoot yourself.."

Director of Music:
Franz strolled around the corriders, rather enjoying this moment of 'being someone else'.  He had already had stubbles because he hadn't shaved in a couple of days.  On the way, he bumped into Giorgia.

", sir."

Franz smiled to himself.  "No worries, kiddo."  And walked off.

Giorgia shrugged and looked at Henrietta.  "You know him?"

Henrietta shook her head, "No clue."


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