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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Director of Music:
Giorgia listened carefully as he explained all the procedures.  After he was done talking and asked if she understood, she blinked, and nodded.  He nodded and sent her out on the range as well.

Kasawa Lanford:
On the range, Ryoshine had brought with him the same 9mm that he had showed her, Triela was practicing with a typical sub-machine gun and gunning down the targets with little to no problems. Her handler, however, didn't seem to amused at the sight of Giorgia or Ryoshine. Although he didn't say anything, it was the aura he was giving off that Ryoshine found amusing.

"Hold it like this," Ryoshine said, placing the pistol in Giorgia's hands and gently clasping her fingers around the weapon, placing her trigger figure above the trigger for the gun. "Always keep your finger here when on the range, got that?" He said and smiled. He took the weapon and slapped a clip full of blanks into the weapon, "Now take a few shots at that target," he said and pointed at a target that was only a couple feet away.

Director of Music:
Giorgia smiled slightly, eyes blazing.  She aimed her gun easily and fired at the target.  All but one missed the target.  Behind her, she could feel Ryoshine smiling, but Triela's handler was glaring furiously at her.

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine nodded. "You missed one, but made the others," he said and got up. He walked down the center line and grabbed the paper that was present over the board and brought it back with him to Giorgia. He noticed that, while she had hit the target, her shots were mostly outside the center point. "Center of mass is your aim, if you are within six hundred feet then aim at the head, if not then aim at the chest."

He then noticed Triela's Handler staring at him and Giorgia. "Hillshire, do you have a problem with her?" he asked.

Hillshire turned his attention back to Triela.

"Uh huh," Ryoshine said and replaced the target board with another sheet, he then had the board move back to its original position some distance away. Before contiuing he showed Giorgia how to eject the clip, and then how to put one in. "Do that a few times and then aim at the center of that target, if you miss once you'll stay here and repeat it again until you get them all in." Ryoshine said.

Director of Music:
Giorgia nodded and ejected the clip out of the 9mm and put another in.  She did it three times.  Each time, she got faster, and more efficient.  She turned to face the target.

Bam.  Bam.  Bam.  Three very accurate shots.  Confident, she aimed again, ready to take the 4th shot.  But then, her eyes blurred...

It was the dinner table.  Daddy was in his uniform still, teaching me German numbers...
"Now remember Giorgia, einz, zwei, drei."  Another figure to his right. Blurred. I suppose that must be mom...daddy grinning as I recited it up to ten...and then...BAM A kick at the door...daddy grabbing me and pushing me into the other room, but just as he tur-

She blinked again.  Her eyes refocused.  She noticed her gun hand trembling.  She made it stop almost immediately. She gritted her teeth and fired.  Dead center.


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