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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Kasawa Lanford:
"Giorgia," he said and turned toward a book. "As you already know, in a week or so we'll be leaving for America. I would like you to study these books," he said, picking up the book he had looked and handed to her. The book was on the American Culture.

Director of Music:
She took the book and blinked.  "Oh."  She never was too interested in American culture, but she knew she had to at least have some interest to get through the book.  "Yes sir." She said.

Kasawa Lanford:
"Learn about their way of life, their habits, I'll be testing you on that in a day. After that I'll start you off on another book, don't skip anything either," he said and looked toward the clock. "Already close to dinner, get yourself some dinner, and not light either, you need a good meal. Then do some studying," he said.

Director of Music:
She nodded.  Quite happy.  She liked books, whether or not it would be boring, she didn't know, but was happy.  "' mean Yes, sir."  and she quickly went to the cafeteria. Ryoshine had said a good meal, Giorgia took a glass of milk and a sandwich.  She ate it hastily and went to her room to study.

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine decided he would call it a night, enough work for one day he thought as he placed a pilow on the couch. "Not very comfortable.. but oh well..." he said and soon went to sleep.


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