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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Kasawa Lanford:
He went to the armory to practice his shooting skills. He took a 9mm from the rack and popped in a clip and took aim, several shots flew down the room and found their marks on the center of the center, where the heart would be.

After releasing six bullets he stopped and looked at his handy work, he walked toward the target and fished out the bullets. He placed them in a pan under the target and then went back to practice.

Director of Music:
Around 10 AM, she figured she might as well find Ryoshine.  She grabbed her messenger bag and hoisted it over her shoulder, putting the book and other accesories (i.e pencils, paper etc) in there.  She closed the door of her room as she headed down the hallway.

Kasawa Lanford:
In the armory, Ryoshine had just finished up practicing when Hillshire walked in carrying a case that he presumed had a rifle in it.

His presumtion was correct when Hillshire opened it to reveal an old springfield rifle. "Interesting," Ryoshine said, although Hillshire couldn't hear him.

He counted his bullets before letting several more go down the range and into the targets he had aimed at, he stopped briefly collect his brass before going back to firing.

Director of Music:
She checked his room but found that he wasn't there.  She asked Henrietta and she thought he might be at the armory.  She said her thanks and headed down to the armory.

Kasawa Lanford:
"Something you need?" the man in charge of the armory said when he noticed Giorgia.


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