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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Kasawa Lanford:
(OOC: Odd... could've sworn I posted this...)

Ryoshine smiled. "That's good, now," he said and handed his gun to Hillshire. "Come with me to my office," he said and guided Giorgia to his office.

Once there he pulled out a test sheet consisting of twenty pages. "You have one hour to finish this test," he said and handed it to her, "you can use the desk near the window."

Director of Music:
Giorgia nodded and took the sheets handed to her.  She glided to the seat offered.  She glanced at the papers and beamed.  This would be simple.  In about 25-30 minutes she finished and handed the papers to Ryoshine.

Kasawa Lanford:
He nodded and feed the papers through his scanner and brought them up with a program which auto-checked them. Some of the answers were incorrect, so those he manually checked, after about fifteen minutes he nodded, satisfied. "Not bad, you got some wrong, but over-rall you'll be able to pass a native born american," he said.

"Now, I know Rico will be our student in school who will be watching the target, but HIllshire and I decided that everyone, including you, will take classes on the school system there so you'll know what to expect. Hillshire will have a lecture on that tomorrow, pay close attention to what he says," he told her.

Director of Music:
"Yes sir." She said.  She didn't exactly like Hillshire but what choice did she have?  Thinking about all of it, what choice did she have of anything?

Kasawa Lanford:
"What's wrong?" Ryoshine said, he had noticd that Giorgia had a some-what of a troubled look on her face. "


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