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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Director of Music:
Franz decided he couldn't stay cooped up in the room any longer.  He ran a hand through his hair.  He wasn't used to it being this short.  He put the contacts and glasses back on even though he had perfect vision.  He went out to the garden, cigarette in hand, looking at the horizon.

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine strolled over to the car garage, he checked on his Lambordeny and smiled when he saw the condition. I'll give Franz credit for a good repair job," he said as he ran his hand over the area that had been dented in the storm.

After spending some time with his car he left and headed to the main building, there he found Rico out of bed and exercising. "You're better?" he asked her.

"Yes Sir," Rico said when she noticed him talking to her. "Well, don't over do it ok?" he told her. Rico nodded. "Good," he said and left her alone and headed for the cafeteria to grab a fresh cup of coffee.

Director of Music:
Giorgia read the book for about an hour before looking out of her window.  Her view was to the garden and to her delight, she saw Franz there.  She frowned however, when she saw him smoking. 

Kasawa Lanford:
"Ahhh..." Ryoshine said as he took a sip from his coffee, "damn thats good."

He walked out of the cafetria, coffee cup in hand, and made his way to the garden. There he found Claus, a girl he had only talked to once since he had arrived, now tending to the garden. "How are you?" he asked her, she looked up, startled at his sudden apperence. "I-I'm fine sir, thank you," she said.

Ryoshine knelt down and gently wrapped his fingers around a Sakura, or Cherry Blossom, "You know a lot about plants," he said to her, she smiled at his comment. "T-thank you, I know a lot about plants so..." she said but stopped herself.

"I'm disturbing you," he said and got up.

"N-no you're not!" Claus said, dropping the small shovel into the dirt.

"Then, you won't mind if I watch for awhile?" Ryoshine asked. Claus blinked and looked away, "N-no.. I-I don't mind," she said and went back to tending the garden.

Director of Music:
She gently tapped on the window sill.  She saw him turn.  She waved brightly.  Giorgia saw Franz smile back and wave slightly.  He walked over to her window.  She opened the window.

"Hallo Franz!"  She said brightly.

"Hallo Giorgia."  Franz returned.


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