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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Kasawa Lanford:
As Ryoshine watched, he soon noticed Franz. "You keep up the good work, Claus," he said. The little girl nodded and went back to her garden.

He walked a short distance to where Franz was. "You know smoking is dangerous right? Are you trying to kill yourself slowly?" he said to him, when he noticed Giorgia he smiled.

Director of Music:
GIorgia waved happily at Ryoshine.  Franz turned to look at Ryoshine and chuckled softly.  "Sorry, bad habit.  Started when I was 19."

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine shook his head and removed the cigerrate from Franz's mouth. "You really shouldn't smoke around children either..." he said and tossed the cirgerrate into the trash can, that was ten feet away from him. "Now, do I need to dispose of any more packs or are you going to promise not to smoke in front of Giorgia," he said, he didn't look serious but his expression would anyone that going against Ryoshine's words wasn't a good idea.

Director of Music:
Giorgia giggled, the first time she had laughed since being here.  She could see Franz turning slightly red from embarrasment.  He replied gruffly, "Alright, alright,  Not in front of Giorgia.  Don't want her to get second hand smoke, do we."

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine smiled, if it wasn't for his age, one would think it was childish. "That's good... I want her to stay in good health," he said and looked at her. "How are your studies going?" he asked her.


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