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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

<< < (80/126) > >>

Director of Music:
Giorgia smiled brightly.  "Great!"  She then gave Ryoshine a detailed summary in which Franz arched his eyebrows in amazement at her.

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine nodded, he was impressed. "Not bad... now keep on studying alright?" he told her.

Director of Music:
"'Kay!"  She said enthusiastically.  She ducked her head out of the window and returned to her desk.

Franz chuckled.  "I wonder why she's in such a good mood..."

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine grinned and gave a side ways glance at Franz. "Boy... I wonder..." he said.

Director of Music:
Franz turned in mock surprise.  "Ah! Is it because of ME that she's in such a good mood?  Couldn't be!"  He smiled lightly.


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