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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine's eyes narrowed; he had noticed her sudden hesitation and knew that she had some-how remembered or perhaps recalled something. Hmm... he thought to himself and folded his arms. "Stop..." he said and lowered his head. "Eject the clip, and clear the chamber. Then recover your target paper, tally up the score, and tell me what the score is." He said

In the back of his mind, he made a mental note to have the Dr. Bianche talk to Giorgia.

Director of Music:
She nodded, quickly and silently doing as she was told.  She handed him the piece of paper with the tally makrs.

Kasawa Lanford:
He nodded. "Not bad... not bad at all.."

"But not good enough to be in the field," Hillshire remarked.

Ryoshine sighed. "In your eyes perhaps, but back in the military this would be enough."

"Yes but this isn't the military," Hillshire said, putting emphysis on the isn't part. "You train her to be effective" he said and gestured to Triela that they were leaving.

As they left, Ryoshine couldn't help but shake his head. He has his ways, I have my own... just wish he would understand.

"Hand me the gun please," he said to Giorgia without looking.

Director of Music:
"Y-yes sir." She said as she handed him the gun.  She looked to see Hillshire and Triela's retreating figures.

I wonder why he hates me? She thought vaguely.

Kasawa Lanford:
Accepting the gun, he laid it out on the bench and disassembled it, he then reassembled it and repeated the process three times. "Watch," he said and again repeated what he had done.

After he reassembled the gun a fourth time he handed it off to Giorgia. "Do it, disassemble, and then reassemble the gun." he said and rested his back against the bench, both hands in his lap, clasped together.


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