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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Kasawa Lanford:
In his office Ryoshine picked up the phone and made a few calls. "Yea?" he said in one conversation. "Just make sure they are ready ok?" he said, the man on the other said a few choice words before hanging up.

He sat in his chair, hands clasped and his head against them. "They better get that ready by the time we get there, or else this mission will get very difficult," he said.

Director of Music:
Giorgia looked up and once again saw Franz smoking.  She frowned deeply.  She jumped out of her window and tackled Franz, taking his ciggarette out of his mouth.

Franz looked at her, alarmed.  "What's gotten into you?"

Giorgia looked up at Franz.  "You smoke too much!"

Franz shrugged.  "I didn't smoke in front of you."

Childishly she answered, "I could see you."

Kasawa Lanford:
Henrietta sighed when she read the book that Guiseppe had given her. "What's wrong?" Triela asked when she noticed her friend was laying her head down on the book.

"Just bored is all..." Henrietta said.

Triela tapped the end of her pen against her chin, thinking. "Why not see if Guiseppe is back?"

"He isn't, I haven't heard his car," Henrietta said and got up. She walked over to the window and stared out, noting the garden. She could make out Claus and Franz, along with Giorgia who seem to be having fun with Franz.

Triela wondered what she was staring and walked over and look over Henrietta's shoulder. "meh... I wonder if Ryoshine is even aware that Giorgia is doing that?"

"I wonder.. to be honest I worry about how Hillshire and Guiseppe will think," Henrietta said. "Well, the best we can do is do as Ryoshine had requested and keep watch over her," Triela said.

"You don't trust that Franz guy?" Henrietta asked curiously, for that Triela shook her head. "No I don't, and I doubt Ryoshine does either," she said and walked back over to the table and sat down. Henrietta looked back out the window before going back to her book.

Director of Music:
Franz laughed heartily and ruffled Giorgia's hair.  "Go on, go study, you shouldn't be distracted by a lone German in the midst of all these others."  Giorgia smiled and waved and went back through her window.  Franz watched her and smiled.  He then stubbed out his cigarette and went back inside also.

Kasawa Lanford:
Henrietta took this time to check up on Giorgia, going to her room she gave a soft knock before opening the door and peering inside. "How are you doing Giorgia?" she asked her.


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