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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Director of Music:
Giorgia looked up at the tall security guard.  "Erm, yes.  Well, you see, I was supposed to be in Mr.Ryoshine's room, but he's not answering..."
A couple of hallways down, Franz was making his way back to the room.  However, unbeknowst to quite a bit of people, Franz had a bad heart.  That is, physically.  He staggered side ways as his head started spinning...

Kasawa Lanford:
"Huh..." the officer said and knocked on the door. "Mr. Ryoshine, you there?" he shouted but got no response. He sighed and took out a key and unlocked the door, when he pushed it open he found Ryoshine asleep at his computer. "Ahh.. .seem's he's asleep. I do know he's been rather busy lately," he said to Giorgia and moved aside just enough for her to see him.


Down the hall from Franz, two guards were finishing up their coffee when they noticed Frazn staggering. "Oi oi, man's had to much to drink!" one guard said and got up from his chair to assist Franz.

Director of Music:
Giorgia smiled slightly, amused.  "Oh, should I come back later then?"

Franz grimaced slightly.  He could hardly breathe.  The guard who was assisting Franz placed him in a chair.  The only thing Franz could think of before he slumped down was, Idioten...

Kasawa Lanford:
The two guards caught Franz before he could hit the ground. "He don't look so good," his half drunken partner said. "Let's get him to the infirmary, drunk as can be the man passes out," the other guard said.


"I think it'll be fine, go ahead and sit on the couch there, he should wake up in a few," the security guard told her.

For Ryoshine, he mumbled something in his sleep.

Director of Music:
The two guards stumbled with Franz in between them.  What should have taken them 5 minutes, took them 15.  The doctor arched his eyebrows as they carried the man in.  The doctor peered down at Franz, not knowing who he was.

"Is he new?"

The guards shrugged.  "We're thinkin he might be drunk y'see.  He passed out."  The guards laughed.  "Guess the guy can't hold his liquor.  Take care of him Doc." And the two guards trudged off.


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