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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Kasawa Lanford:
The doctor sighed. "Drunk eh?" he said and looked at Franz, "I wonder."


Ryoshine awoke to the sound of a wind chine near his window. He streatched his arms, yawning in the process, he scanned the room before noticing a figure sitting on the sofa - it took him a minute to realize that it was Giorgia. "G-Giorgia?! W-how long have you been here?" he asked nervously.

Director of Music:
The doctor shook his head before he listened to Franz heart.  All of a sudden, his face paled as Franz'z heartbeat was way slower than it was supposed to be.  He quickly hooked him up to an oxygen mask and grabbed some other necessities to use on Franz.  The doctor tried to find I.D on him, but couldn't find any.

Giorgia grinned mischiveously.  "Ah...not long.  About well....10 minutes or so."

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine's face turned red. "Err... so.. you heard me talking in my sleep huh..." he asked nervously.

Director of Music:
Giorgia grinned.  "A bit, sir.  Not too much really."

The doctor watched the man's heartbeat slow down and back up again.  "Jesus...I need to stableize his heart before he goes into cardiac arrest for a second time..."

Kasawa Lanford:
He was naturally embarassed, he couldn't find the right words to say to possibly undo what was done so instead he said, "So.. er.... have you studied that book I gave you?" he asked her.


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