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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Director of Music:
The friend stopped with what he was doing and turned to stare at Ryoshine.  His eyes looked at him disbelievingly.  "You'd rather her study for a test, than to worry about someone close to her?  Unbelievable, Ryoshine."  He turned to look at Franz who's breathing was coming back and forth.  The friend stepped forward, shaking his head.  "Unbelievable.  How old is she? 9? 10?  You're asking a kid to..." He sighed.  "Forget it."

Kasawa Lanford:
He shook his head. "If you knew what we did here, you'd understand," Ryoshine merely said and pushed himself off the wall and left the room.

Director of Music:
The friend gritted his teeth.  At this rate, he didn't give a damn about this agency or anything to do with it.  All he knew was a kid was worried sick about someone she cared about.  Kids were his weak spot.  He should know.  He had two kids.  Loved them to death.  He sat on the stool and watched Franz's vitals.
Back in her room, Giorgia listlessly flipped through her book.  Her mind seemed to keep on wandering.  She sighed and layed her head on the desk.

Kasawa Lanford:
Out on the Balcony, Ryoshine shook his head as he pulled out a cigerrate and fumbled with it. "Maer just doesn't understand.... I can't afford to treat her lightly in this situation, or else when one of the other cyborgs is seriously wounded she could falter, and perhaps, get killed," he said and continue to fumble with the ciggerate.

Director of Music:
Franz stirred and Maer leaned forward.  He spoke softly to Franz.  "Take it easy now..."

Franz grimaced as he opened his eyelids.  He glanced around quickly and his eyes stopped at the man sitting next to him.  Slightly drugged because of the medication, Franz forgot he was supposed to act 'American' and his German accent came back slightly.  "Are you the doctor?  Vhere am I?"  Maer froze.  His smile had turned into a part way frown. 

"What's your name?"

Franz looked up and realized he had made a mistake.   "I'm...Frankie Perrin."  He replied, thinking of the first name that popped into his mind.

Maer relaxed ever so slightly.  "Scared me there for a second, you did.  Thought you were German."

It was Franz, or 'Frankie's' turn to have a strained smile.  "Is there something wrong with Germans?"

Maer got up, "When I was serving in the navy, had a friend who was German, back stabbed me though.  Ryoshine knows about it."

Franz slowly got up.  "Not all Germans are bad people.  It's the same with Americans."

Maer shrugged. "Yeah, I suppose so.  You rest up now, though." He grabbed his equipment and left the infimary.


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