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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Director of Music:
She took the gun back and nodded.  As soon as she held the gun, it was like another memory kicked in, her hands rapidly dissembling it, then reassembling it.  It seemed there was no thought that was going through her mind, just her hand movements that quickly, and skillfully did what they were told automatically.

This seems familiar... She mused.

She reassembled the gun a 4th time and looked up at him.

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine nodded, he was impressed. There was something 'odd' about how quick she had done the job, "Not bad... not bad at all..." he said and looked at his watch, it was already ten in the morning, my how time flys. It was around that time that Henrietta came into the armory, she walked past the two of them and placed her 9mm inside a case, placing the guns clip to the side.

When Henrietta left, Ryoshine nodded. "How about I show you to your dorm room," he said and picked up the gun and placed it in a case to his right, he closed it shut, locking it in the process. He then gestured to the door, "Let's go."

Director of Music:
"Okay." She murmured softly, following his lead. 

Soon, they were in a simple hallway, with a few twists and turns.  They finally stopped at a door.

Kasawa Lanford:
Gripping the knob, Ryoshine pushed open the door.

Inside the room was a bunk bed, with the top reserved for another incoming. "You'll be sleeping on the bottom bunk," he said and gestured to a dresser. "Your clothing is in there, make sure to get dressed each morning for breakfast, and don't wear your casual cloth's at night ok?" he said, reminding her that she should wear pajamas instead. "If you need anything just let me know, sadly I have things I must do right now. I think Henrietta and Triela might be returning soon, so if you need someone to talk to.. well.. I'm sure they'll be happy to oblige," he said and walked back toward the door. "Oh, there is a schedule on the wall with time's listed for breakfast, lunch, and dinner."

With that aside, he left Giorgia's room and made his way down to the end of the hallway. "The first day is complete... but this is one of many... I just hope the next few days are just as easy going... bah... how pathetic of me to think each day would be easy.." he said, sighing soon after. 

Director of Music:
Giorgia now stood alone as he left.  She gazed around the room silently.  Finally, she sat down on her bunk.  She closed her eyes and then...the rest of the memory...


Bam. Bam. Bam. 3 precise shots.

DADDY! She screamed.  Her daddy.  The door blasted open. Hooded figures, a blow to the head.  The last thing she saw was her daddy, still in his uniform...his last act had been to shield her...

She blinked open quickly and realized there were tears on her face.  She quickly wiped them away.  She stared at the view, and saw her own reflection.  She looked scared, frightened.  One thought crossed her mind.

I must not show any emotion.


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