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Gunslinger Girls - Paths Intertwined

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Director of Music:
Franz continued to amble down the hallway until he reached what he knew to be Giorgia's room.  He hesitated.  He knew he shouldn't go in there, and yet, he wanted to.  He faltered at the doorway.  Instead, he quickly scribbled a note and pushed it under the doorway.  He then walked down to his room.

Giorgia had been aimlessly looking over her book when she heard a noise.  She stood up and saw that a piece of paper had come through her doorway.  Curiously, she picked the nicely folded paper up and read it.  She grinned.  The note read:

Zählen Sie mich nicht heraus gerade noch.

*Don't count me out just yet.

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine had just finished his report when his phone rang. He picked it up and turned toward the window, "Ryoshine here," he said.

~Something's come up, we leave tomorrow afternoon~ Jean said on the other end.

"I'll make sure Giorgia is ready," Ryoshine said and hung up. He got up from his chair and grabbed his coat and walked over to the door and opened it, as he made his way down the hallway, he wondered why they were leaving tomorrow, and not at the original appointed time.

Director of Music:
Putting the folded paper in her bag a long with the picture, she returned to her book.  She was getting rather tired of reading the material, but she knew she had to have everything perfect.  She dozed off slightly as the warm day made her feel comfortable.

Kasawa Lanford:
Ryoshine walked up to Giorgia's door and knocked on it. "Giorgia, you in?" he asked, listening to her voice.

Director of Music:
Hearing Ryoshine's voice, Giorgia awoke with a start.  She banged her knee on the desk and grimaced.  She walked over to the door and opened it.


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